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Offline Emami

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It's so bad
« on: July 18, 2015, 06:34:56 am »
Annabel has hit a new low. Yesterday she got a total of 11.75hrs sleep in 24  :( :o

I don't know what to do with her.  Her sleep has always been a bit up and down with good nights, bad nights, good naps, bad naps, but it's never all been bad at the same time!  She has been an IS for ages and still goes down by herself, but she has completely lost the ability to resettle so I'm spending hours in her room in the middle of the night and/or naps and it's not a good situation.  When she wakes up she is OBSESSED with her cot bars.  She'll be lying down and seems like she is trying to go back to sleep and then her head pops up again and it's like she magnetically drawn. She spins herself sideways, grabs the bars and then either lifts her chest and pulls on them, or bashes ir head, ir gets a foot stuck, and then she gets really upset and cries.  I've got into a bad habit of rushing in whenever I hear her stir, but I feel like if I don't go in she ALWAYS ends up stuck and awake, whereas if I can catch her early she's more likely to resettle.

She is cutting her two top teeth at the moment, which have been bulging for about a month and one of them is FINALLy coming through the gum. I know teeth can cause havoc, but these have taken so so long, and she's going to be teething for the next 2 years, yk?! I do medicate but if she's this bad every time she teething I will be batty by the end of it.  She is also trying really hard to crawl but can't go forwards - she rocks on all fours and can spin around on her belly but she doesn't go anywhere.  So developmental stuff may also be a factor, but again, there will be much development going on!  I need to figure out a way to cope with these things better if they are factors.

She is 8 months and her A time is around 3h15 - would appreciate any eyes on her routine in case I am missing / causing something obvious. Here are the last couple of days:

Previous night BT at 7:00, NW 3:30-5:15 (poop)
WU 7:30
Nap 10:45-12:15
Nap 3:30-4:30
BT 7:30
NW 5-5:30 (fed)
(2.5hr naps, 11hr night)

WU 7:00
Nap 10:20-11:45
Nap 3:30-4:00 (OT, but had preschool run at 3:00 so didn't want to put her down earlier and have to wake her at 30mins anyway, thought at least a later OT nap is not such a long stretch to BT)
BT 7:00 (cried until 7:40 :( )
NW 4:45-6 (fed)
1hr 55 naps, 10h15 night)

WU 7:15
Nap 10:30-11:15
Nap 2:30-3:00 (PD at 2 but she wouldn't settle)
BT 6:15
NW 2:15-3:50 (poop)
WU 6:15
(1hr 15 naps, 10.5hr night)
The poo at night is not typical, I think that's due to teeth as they are messy and stinky.  I am coming to the conclusion that she may be LSN as she has only very occasionally done a 12hr night and/or 2hr naps, and seems perfectly happy, even yesterday when she barely slept.  But even for a LSN baby she is surely not getting enough?  And if she is LSN I need to work out how to spread her sleep through the 24hrs to get as much rest for everyone as possible.  So maybe 2hrs of naps and 11hr night. Or would 13hrs be too much to expect?  With DD1 after a bad day I would do EBT no hesitation and she would tack on, but Annabel doesn't so I don't really want to do BT before 7. I just couldn't see that she would last that long yesterday though so I went earlier and she is up earlier.

Sorry this is so long but I have been struggling for a while and then she throws in a good patch so I think we're getting there, but really I don't feel like I've ever got it quite right with her.  I'm not even quite sure what I should be aiming for at this point :(

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2015, 13:13:55 pm »
(((Hugs))) So has she always tended towards less sleep than average? DD3 is very lsn, and it took a bit to figure that out. Hard though with teething and development to know when it is just a routine tweak needed or not. Is she upset during the nw's or just up and playful? That was key for me, we were getting the motn cot parties - we actually went to one nap around this time (which is totally not what I am suggesting, but perhaps a tweak?). DD3 has always and forever gone to bed at 8 pm...ebt for us means 7:45 and even that rarely happens! Until we totally dropped the nap we never had 12 hr nights except when she was teeny for a bit. 10.5/11 was her norm now it is more 11/11.5.

Offline Emami

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2015, 14:13:44 pm »
I've never kept logs for her and just winged it a bit, but yes I would say she has generally had slightly less than average. She did long nights when she was younger, but was a really bad napper so she was still scraping the barrel on total sleep. Then naps improved and the long NWs started, so I guess it is one or the other. But now the long NWs don't seem UT, she just can't resettle herself. She doesn't cry the whole time but is shuffling around and burying her face (she is a tummy sleeper these days) and seems like she's trying to go back to sleep and then the spinning and getting stuck starts. She's definitely not happy and chatting.  I don't think I could get two long (ie 1.5hrs+) out of her and still get a decent night. So it's probably just taking me a long time to figure out that she doesn't need typical amounts of sleep. You wouldn't know she's tired at all  by her behaviour but she must be.

If she STTN (happens rarely), it is 11hrs so I would be happy with a 7:30 BT and 6:30 WU. I just don't know when to shoot for naps or how long to let her have (assuming she actually sleeps).  Wednesday I thought was a good day but she still woke at 5. It was her shortest NW though so maybe somewhere between 2-2.5hrs in naps?

Offline Emami

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2015, 14:33:06 pm »
She just woke up from her pm nap, so today has looked like this:
WU 6:15
Nap 9:30-10:50
Nap 2:15-3:30

Still weird nap lengths but much better. Thinking BT at 7?

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2015, 19:00:44 pm »
Big ((hugs)) for you, Emma.

From another lsn one, I'd think that first nap seems a bit early. Could you push it out at all?I'm by no means the routine queen here, but if you are aiming to getting her onto one nap at some point in the next few months then her morning A will need to stretch and so it's the right direction to be going in.
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Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2015, 02:45:03 am »
I think it depends which nap you want to cap eventually...we pushed the morning nap out and did a catnap but you could also keep the morning nap where it is but have it be the catnap and bring the 2nd nap back eventually becoming one nap. Tbh though we went cold turkey to one nap with all 3 as I am not so good at faffing around with A times!  How did bedtime end up?

Offline Emami

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2015, 10:32:30 am »
BT was good at 7, went straight down. NW 4:30-6, I fed since it was close to morning. So yesterday 2h35 naps, 11h night.  I'm happy with that in terms of total sleep, but would really like the 11h night to all come at once!

MJN, she goes right down in the morning no protests but never seems tired until we're in her room so she could probably handle more. She doesn't give me any clues, I'm pretty much picking times at random atm. I would probably want to do long am short pm nap going towards the 2-1 purely to fit in with the school run come September. Hopefully she will cooperate, lol. I have a feeling that if I cap her morning nap she wont make it up in the afternoon and I'll end up with 2 bad naps

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2015, 11:48:37 am »
Yeah, DS was bad at clues and still is! If she can handle more then you could always try it.
My 'little man' - kind-hearted Spirited whirlwind, 2008
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Offline Emami

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2015, 14:33:31 pm »
Ok, I don't want to turn this into a blow by blow account, but I'm going to  ::) Sorry. I don't usually keep logs because I don't want to sit and analyse every little thing, but maybe it'll help something jump out.

WU 7:00
Nap 10:15-11:30 (UT? Will try to push this out as suggested)
Nap 3:20-3:40  >:( (had to be somewhere at 2:30 so she was late going down between that and a badly timed poo)
BT 6:30
NW 22:00 but resettled herself quickly (yay!)
NW 4:30-5:30 (fed)
Naps 1h35, 11h night

WU 6:45
Nap 10:20-10:50
Nap 1:15-2:45
First nap was rubbish as we were out at DD1's preschool sports day and leaving ceremony. Second nap was ok but too early in the day. It's a long time until bedtime, which I'm thinking will be 6:30 but I'm expecting NWs and an early start  :-\

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2015, 06:05:31 am »
How did it end up going? Hoping the night went better than you were thinking. Sometimes a bit of analysis can be a good thing if you start to see a pattern emerge!

Offline Emami

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2015, 11:13:44 am »
So BT 6:30
NW 12:15-2
NW 5:45-6:30
WU 8:00
She was in bed 13.5hrs but asleep for 11hrs, plus 2h naps yesterday. 13h total sleep, which I guess isn't too bad but I need it to be distributed better! Preschool has finished for the summer so I won't have pick ups to work around for a few weeks, which will hopefully help. I do think that most nights she is OT by BT, and she handles it really well but I would like to be able to rule that out as a cause of the NWs.

Offline Emami

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2015, 07:12:02 am »
WU 8:00
Nap 11:00-12:30 (only 3h A but she was very ready)
Nap 3:30-4:15
BT 7:15
NW 12:15-12:45
NW 4:30-5:40
WU 7:40
Naps 2h15, 10h55 night Annabel is still getting the same amount of sleep but I don't know why the last couple of night have been 2NWs rather than the usual one long one. Plus DD1 was up last night at 2am and DH is up for work at 6 and I didn't get more than a 2h stretch last night.  I need to fix Annabel's nights! I don't expect it all to be perfect but I just can't see how to improve things at all at the moment. Does it seem like OT or am I just getting things wrong?  Her second NW she wasn't spinning around and not crying, she was perfectly happy which seems like UT, but she can't possibly be can she? Even if she's LSN?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 20:43:14 pm by Emami »

Offline Emami

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2015, 06:25:15 am »
Well I've been keeping track of naps and I can't see anything that makes a difference. She'd had good days and bad days, and the long NWs happen regardless. Last night she went to bed at 8:00, woke 12-12:30 which isn't too bad, but then she was still up at 5:30. I tried until 6:45 to her back to sleep and gave up but I left her in her bed since she wasn't crying and tbh I don't feel like putting on my happy face when I'm not happy about seeing her at such ungodly hours!  So i went to get some caffeine before i start this day and she flipping went to sleep in the 5mins i was downstairs! So now I've messed the day up. Much as I don't want to start the day at 5:30 I also think 7:00 is too late to go back to sleep. I'm so fed up. Please can someone just come to my house and fix it? :(

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2015, 19:49:11 pm »
Sorry we have been out of town! Just catching up, will have a read in a bit and reply properly!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: It's so bad
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2015, 04:31:23 am »
I know you said earlier that the nw's don't seem ut but tbh being up and shuffling about and unable to.get to sleep (even if not necessarily happily chatting) could be ut too. Personally I would want to push A times a bit more just to see. How do you try and settle her at night?