Author Topic: 3.5 Month Old EBF eating 3-6 mins at a time??  (Read 1518 times)

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3.5 Month Old EBF eating 3-6 mins at a time??
« on: July 28, 2015, 01:26:32 am »
Hi All!

I've been using BW EASY since 3-4 weeks and it has been working great- until this week!  My daughter is 14 weeks today and seems to be going through a huge growth spurt.  The first few weeks, I found I have an overactive letdown, and have compensated by changing nursing position and single side feeding.  However, LO only eats for 3-5 minutes per feed!  This has been pretty consistent, however recently she has been hungry before the 3 hr EASY mark and I'm wondering if she's not getting enough??   Our EASY today has been as follows:
6:45: awake/ eat for 4 mins
6:45-8:00: A
7:50: eat for 2 mins
8:05-9:55: S
10:00- E (6 mins)
1000-1115: A
11:15-1145: S
11:50: E (4 mins)
1150-1:05: A
1:05-1:30: S
1:50: E (5 mins)
1:50-2:30: A
2:30-3:20: S
3:20-4:20: A
4:20: E (3 mins)
4:20-4:45: A
4:45-5:15: S
5:20: E (4 mins)
7:20: E (pumped bottle 4 oz because she was screaming at breast!)

I know this day looks nuts, but she's been so off with her eating and napping!!! This is totally new as of 5 days ago, so I'm hoping it's a growth spurt? The only consistency I've been noticing over the past 3+ weeks is that she will eat for a short amount of time during the day and then the feeding before bed is anywhere from 20-30 mins which is really long for her!  HOW do I extend these feedings during the day?? She is totally uninterested in feeding after she pulls off, and has a burp.  I am not wedded to single side feeding and have tried to switch sides after she burps but she is still uninterested!

Feeling worried (and tired!)


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Re: 3.5 Month Old EBF eating 3-6 mins at a time??
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2015, 02:24:53 am »
Hugs. It's such a fun age as they are more aware and alert. But is she distracted? It could be that she's too excited to sit still and eat. Could you try a darker room or covering her to keep her focused? Also she could be a fast eater. 3 min is pretty short but DS always was a fast eater and he was a big boy so I knew he was getting enough.

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Re: 3.5 Month Old EBF eating 3-6 mins at a time??
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2015, 17:29:11 pm »
Following as I am having a similar experience. I am following cues for now which totally messed up EASY. Plus my LO also takes short naps throughout the day 35-45.
Jennifer xx

Offline NewAtThis06

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Re: 3.5 Month Old EBF eating 3-6 mins at a time??
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2015, 01:56:17 am »
I am having the same issues with trying to follow the EASY!

Is your baby gaining okay? My son has been a VERY slow gainer and it is concerning. I have been seeing lactation consultants and trying to get help extending his feedings to no avail. We had him weighed before and after nursing a couple of times and the scale showed he had only consumed 1.5 ounces!!! And that is it. Scary to me when they are supposed to get 3-4 ounces each feeding. There is no way he is getting enough.

Where are you guys now? I see that your post was from July....I hope you have made progress!