My 16 month old DS has always been an early waker and on the lower end of the sleep needs but recently this has got so much worse. He has started waking at 4.30- 5am and this is him up for the day. He self-settles no problem at nap times and bedtime and through the night but at this time he is ready to go. Sometimes he will chat to himself for a while before crying other times he will start crying and not be happy until I go in. He's fine when he gets out of the cot but not if I stay with the light off soothing him. My husband and I are going insane and it is so hard to perform at work with minimal sleep. DS has been down to one nap since about 13 mths and has hovered between 1/2 hr and 2 hrs, mostly 1.5 hrs at 11.30- 1pm. BT varies depending on tiredness but has had to become 6 or 6.30pm rather than 7pm as DS is just so tired and the times I have tried keeping him up until 7 he still wakes early. At the moment he is teething but this has been going on for months (and has only thrown up one molar in this time, so it cant be all teething!). He used to always wake at 5.30 and whilst I was fatigued on that, this is a new low. Any suggestions at all would be helpful-its still dark, silent, and warm in his room when he wakes so these are not influencing factors. Please please help before this dooms DS to a fate of being an only child! TIA