Was wondering if baby's schedule needs tweaking again or keep it as such?
Lo has just turned 6 months. Bedtime is fixed 730pm. Naps are fixed around 1030am, 330pm. 5 fixed day feeds. 1 NF ( 4-5am dependingg on him). I pick up him at 730am.
He has been taking to this very well.
He used to wake up at 730am, but for the past 3 days, he has been waking up at 7am, but happily playing quietly in his cot until I get him at 730am. ( i monitor the video camera fr 645am)
Despite the earlier wake up, I feed him at the same fixed time and put him to nap at the same fixed times. He isn't very hungry at his first feed at 8am (snacks) and goes down very well for his naps and bedtime.
Should I change things or keep it as such? Below is his daily routine now. Everything is the same( feed, nap, bedtimes, morning pick up time) except he is waking up 30mins earlier and his nap length changing (first nap is getting half an hour longer, and second nap getting half an hour shorter).
A times: 3.5 hrs/2.45 hrs/3hrs
wu: 7am ( i pick him up 730am)
feed: 8am
feed: 10am
nap: 1030-1245 or 1pm
feed: 130pm
nap: 330-430pm
feed: 445pm
feed and sleep: 730pm
1 NF: 4-5am