Author Topic: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?  (Read 16673 times)

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #90 on: October 11, 2015, 20:59:35 pm »
I'd go with 12.  The quote you quoted I didn't have the transition days right in front of me and posted 11.45, then later posted 11.45-12.  Yes it's about when he wakes but it's also about him being used to a *set* nap time and we are now changing it which really needs to be in increments.  It doesn't matter *exactly* (especially as he's been doing a bit of delaying himself) but obviously the jump to 1pm was too much for him so I wouldn't go to 12.30 right off, 11.45, or 12, if he refuses or delays it could end up a bit later but the idea is increments.

It's good you were able to APOP a nap in the carrier. This means if the nap is short you have an option of APOP CN later on. If the nap is long I'd go for early bed time rather than CN.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #91 on: October 12, 2015, 05:44:41 am »
Thanks creations!

He woke up at 8am.

Got ready to put him to  bed at 12 noon. He was happy. At the very point, pooped all over himself. Had to shower him,upset during nappy change.
Put him down immediately after at 1215pm. Cried immediately.
Picked him up, calmed him down, back into bed. cried immediately but slept soon at 1225pm. 
woke up 120pm crying. went back to sleep 130pm.
woke up 230pm.

I think he was too tired when I put him down for nap 1 at 1225pm.
What does it mean when lo wakes up after 55mins crying and then goes back to bed 5 mins later. Its unusual for him.

Will put him to bed 630pm tonight.

So far:
WU: 8am
Nap 1: 1225pm-230pm

Thanks for  holding my hand through this process!
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 06:48:30 am by centrestage88 »

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #92 on: October 12, 2015, 09:33:50 am »
He was a bit OT. In some case of very OT they are too wound up to get back to sleep, other times they are a bit UT so may cry but be unable to get back to sleep.
It was just unfortunate that he had a dirty nappy which delayed nap.
Stay at 12 at least 1 more day (maybe 2), he needs to adapt to this time before moving it on again.

You're doing very well. Hope BT and overnight goes smoothly for you.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #93 on: October 12, 2015, 17:34:31 pm »
I agree he was a wee bit ot...but the fact that he went back to sleep is great! Poop happens! Hope bedtime goes smoothly for you xx

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #94 on: October 13, 2015, 06:21:17 am »
Thanks ladies! The night went smooth. =) early bedtime ( 630pm), one night feed and woke up 645am.

The day has been funny though. He had a morning medical appointment and ended up falling asleep in the carrier for 20 mins from ( 1030-1050am).
Doctor's appointment and travel time took longer than expected. He missed his solids (lunch) and I had to give him his milk feed later than scheduled.
Got home 1220pm, I quickly breastfed him and he fell asleep on the boob. Woke him up before putting him to nap and he slept happily.
Woke up 155pm crying.

Think I should give him a cat nap later? ( will try carrier) Followed by regular bedtime? ( 730pm)
or should I do EBT ( 630pm? don't know if he will be able to last till 630pm though)

Today so far:
WU: 645am
Nap: 1030-1050am ( carrier, happy)
Nap: 1230pm - 155pm ( went down happy, woke up crying)

Any idea why he woke up crying after 1hr 25mins?
Is it okay to have move back and forth between 1 and 2 naps a day? I'm concerned that he will get confused by the change in naps. ( or maybe babies just have no idea and will zzz when they are tired)

On a good note, he passed his developmental check up. =) =)
And I managed to postpone his jab till 2 weeks time. I'm worried that a jab, 2-1 sleep transition, and all these outings are too much changes for myself and him to handle.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 10:35:17 am by centrestage88 »

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #95 on: October 13, 2015, 10:38:54 am »
So I went with EBT. He was happy the whole way, but fell asleep at the boob and I could not wake him up. Think he was extremely tired. Hopefully he will have a restful night.

WU: 645am? ( checked him at 7am, he was awake)
nap 1: 1030-1050am ( carrier, happy)
nap 2: 1230-155pm ( went down happy but very tired, woke up crying)
EBT: 630pm ( extremely tired, fell asleep on the boob, could not wake him up, but was happy)

I think he's teething. Saw 2 little white spots on his upper palate.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #96 on: October 13, 2015, 12:07:42 pm »
You've done really well to wing it through the day making your own decisions - great!!

Many LOs can manage to switch between 1 and 2 naps and that's how many people do the 2-1 transition, however not all LOs like the unpredictability of it.  I find it a bit back and forth myself.  I tend to think for your LO he will know quite soon to sleep longer for his nap/night if his routine is stable on 1 nap but if you get stuck one day with a short nap or like today having a surprise CN in the carrier then you can do the 2 naps.
I would aim for 12 nap the next couple of days x

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #97 on: October 13, 2015, 23:45:48 pm »
Dear creations,
Thanks! :)

He woke up early today. Checked on him at 630 am and he was up already. I only picked him up at 730am though. He played happily on his own till then.
He got really sleepy at 1040am.( so he probably woke up before 630?)
 I was intending to feed him at 11am and put him down at 1130am.
Ended up: 1040am breastfeed ( so he wont wake up hungry during the nap). Fell asleep at the breast. couldnt wake him up and placed him in the cot where he continued sleeping.

so far:
WU: 630am ( or earlier?)
milk: 8am
milk: 1040 am ( I was intending 11am, but he was so sleepy at 1040am)
nap: 1045am-1220pm

I have a few questions:
Any idea why he is waking up early?  I thought that he would sleep in until 7am. (yesterday, he napped 1030-1050am, 1230-155pm. bedtime:630am)

Also, does it make sense to only pick him up 730am or later? ( later if he wake up after 730am, else it's always 730am, never earlier)

I fix his first meal of the day ( 745-8am), regardless of what time he wakes up in the morning.
The rest of the day, milk feeds and solids times are flexible. ( I adjust them to fit his day's naps). As such, he can have 4 or 5 milk feeds a day at different times. one night feed. Is this confusing for him?
Or should I fix his feeds regardless of his wake up time and naps?
Ie: yesterday
wU: 7am
Milk: 8am
Solids: 9am
Nap: 1030-1050am
Milk: 11am
Milk: 1220pm
Nap: 1230-155pm
Milk: 330pm
Solids: 430pm
Milk and bedtime: 630pm

Wu: 630am
Milk: 8am
Solids: 9am
Milk: 1040am
Nap: 1045am-1220pm
Thinking of
Solids: 330pm
Milk and bedtime: 730pm
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 04:29:38 am by centrestage88 »

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #98 on: October 14, 2015, 12:32:43 pm »
I don't want to keep changing the game on you but we're heading backwards if he takes a nap earlier than his previous routine so I'm actually wondering we if she return to the previous set routine for a little while and then look again.
That's 2 days running he slept long before his 'set' nap time of, what was it 11.15 (?).
Today you will need a CN if he has woken at 12.20 he can't make it to 7.30 BT that's way too long.
I suggest today do CN at your regular set routine time, BT same.
Tomorrow no nap prior to 11.15, get back on the set routine with 2 naps.

For info. EW can happen if the first nap comes too early, he may cut his night shorter to self regulate his sleep. The problem with that is that then he is tired for his nap earlier so he has now napped early two days.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #99 on: October 14, 2015, 13:54:03 pm »
Hi creations

I will move him back to his original 2 set naps then. It used to be 1115am, but he was resisting it, so I moved it to 1130am, and a catnap from 445-515pm. Do I start waking him up at 730am and not let him sleep in?
So it was:
WU: 730am (fixed)
Nap 1: 1130-115pm ( capped)
Nap 2: 445-515pm( capped)
Bedtime: 730pm

I gave him a capped nap today at 430pm. He went down easy and woke up happy at 515pm when I woke him up. Brought him swimming in his new inflatable bath tub and he got really tired. Went to bed happy at 730pm.

So today:
Wu: 630am
Nap 1: 1045-1220pm ( happy)
Nap 2: 430-515pm( happy)
Bedtime: 730pm ( happy)

Thanks! :)

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #100 on: October 14, 2015, 14:03:36 pm »
One more thing,
Is my lo considered low sleep needs? How much sleep should he be getting? Does it really matter as long as he seems happy?
I feel bad waking him up when he's sleeping and wish I could just let him zzz as long as he likes for naps and put him to bed when he's tired,  yet I need the structure and predictability to function better as his mummy.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #101 on: October 14, 2015, 17:54:54 pm »
Yes, return to this.  Really he never got a proper start on the transition to 1 nap anyway as the last few days have been rather off track with one thing and another. So back to this and we'll take it from there.  Lets' hope he settles into this again - the swimming will be great to help him take those naps with less resistance!!
So it was:
WU: 730am (fixed)
Nap 1: 1130-115pm ( capped)
Nap 2: 445-515pm( capped)
Bedtime: 730pm

Is my lo considered low sleep needs?
People have different ideas about low and high needs. Mine was considered on the low because of his long morning A time and short night but then he helped on to his one nap longer than some (not as long as others) and was still doing 12hr nights at 4yo which is not low needs at all.
I'm sure your LO is getting enough sleep, it's only that he appears to prefer a long night and may move to one nap sooner than most (but that may not be LESS sleep just sleep at a different time).
xx  Don't feel guilty about any of this, you are doing Great! xx

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #102 on: October 15, 2015, 03:24:37 am »
When I define my youngest as lsn mostly I am comparing her to her sisters and how fast she went through nap transitions. Her overall sleep is pretty low and always has been but really all I have been doing is following her cues and tweaking to suit our family - ie her bedtims is set at 8pm to be similar to her sisters and I capped & cut the nap to keep it that way. She would happily have been a napper with a short night but I need evening time for myself/DH!

Offline centrestage88

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #103 on: October 15, 2015, 04:27:14 am »
Thanks ladies!

I woke him up at 730am ( well, he was stirring at the same time too, so he may have woke up naturally).
Put him down for his nap at 1130am. (fell asleep 10 minutes later) He woke up 40 mins later, tried to go back to zzz. tossed for 10mins before crying for me.
Is he undertired?

wu: 730am
nap:1140-1220pm ( put down 1130am. woke up happy tried to get back to zzz,then cried after 10 minutes)
I thought 20 mins crying naps are overtired. 40 mins happy naps are undertired. What are 40 minutes crying naps?

Not sure what to do later. Maybe try for a longer nap later in the afternoon and regular bedtime

Should I put him down  1145 am or 12noon tomorrow instead and try for:
 WU: 730am
nap 5-530
bedtime: 730pm

or should i stick to
nap: 1130
nap: 445-515
bedtime: 730pm
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 04:39:32 am by centrestage88 »

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #104 on: October 15, 2015, 04:34:49 am »
When I define my youngest as lsn mostly I am comparing her to her sisters and how fast she went through nap transitions. Her overall sleep is pretty low and always has been but really all I have been doing is following her cues and tweaking to suit our family - ie her bedtims is set at 8pm to be similar to her sisters and I capped & cut the nap to keep it that way. She would happily have been a napper with a short night but I need evening time for myself/DH!

i always underestimate how adaptable los are. how do you manage 3? =)