Dear creations,
He woke up early today. Checked on him at 630 am and he was up already. I only picked him up at 730am though. He played happily on his own till then.
He got really sleepy at 1040am.( so he probably woke up before 630?)
I was intending to feed him at 11am and put him down at 1130am.
Ended up: 1040am breastfeed ( so he wont wake up hungry during the nap). Fell asleep at the breast. couldnt wake him up and placed him in the cot where he continued sleeping.
so far:
WU: 630am ( or earlier?)
milk: 8am
milk: 1040 am ( I was intending 11am, but he was so sleepy at 1040am)
nap: 1045am-1220pm
I have a few questions:
Any idea why he is waking up early? I thought that he would sleep in until 7am. (yesterday, he napped 1030-1050am, 1230-155pm. bedtime:630am)
Also, does it make sense to only pick him up 730am or later? ( later if he wake up after 730am, else it's always 730am, never earlier)
I fix his first meal of the day ( 745-8am), regardless of what time he wakes up in the morning.
The rest of the day, milk feeds and solids times are flexible. ( I adjust them to fit his day's naps). As such, he can have 4 or 5 milk feeds a day at different times. one night feed. Is this confusing for him?
Or should I fix his feeds regardless of his wake up time and naps?
Ie: yesterday
wU: 7am
Milk: 8am
Solids: 9am
Nap: 1030-1050am
Milk: 11am
Milk: 1220pm
Nap: 1230-155pm
Milk: 330pm
Solids: 430pm
Milk and bedtime: 630pm
Wu: 630am
Milk: 8am
Solids: 9am
Milk: 1040am
Nap: 1045am-1220pm
Thinking of
Solids: 330pm
Milk and bedtime: 730pm