Author Topic: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?  (Read 16675 times)

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #105 on: October 15, 2015, 09:41:21 am »
OK, looking UT for the morning nap which is how things were just before those few off days.
I'd try:
WU 7.30
nap 12 (if he wakes early in the morning do nap no earlier than 11.30) - 2.00
nap 5 - 5.15 (maybe sling rather than crib? he can just have a little snuggle and a doze?)
BT 7.30

How's that sound?

What are 40 minutes crying naps?
As always there is a range of possibilities and it really  need the whole routine and the bigger picture looked at to clue in on what it is for an individual LO. Sometimes pain can disturb the sleep at the 40 min transition stage (when asleep they can escape the pain somewhat like a grown up, when sleep cycle comes to an end the pain may be felt more which rouses them into full wakefulness) just as an example, or being too hot, too cold, not in the place they usually sleep...all sorts.  In this case with your LO my guess is UT.  Not tired enough to transition easily too tired to be awake and happy.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #106 on: October 15, 2015, 12:14:36 pm »
Thanks creations!
I will try out this routine tomorrow!
And thanks so much for the explanation! It does seem like he was UT.

He took a 2nd nap in the afternoon. Happily went down but woke up 45 mins later crying again. Regular bedtime. Went down happy.

So today:
Wu: 730am
Nap: 1140-1220pm ( woke up happy then started crying)
Nap: 410-5pm ( went down happy, woke up crying)
Bedtime: 730pm (happy)

Thanks for holding my hand!

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #107 on: October 15, 2015, 12:39:50 pm »
No problem.  Happy to hold your hand.  Before you know it you'll be paying it forward to other mum's giving BTDT advice on naps and routines ;)

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #108 on: October 16, 2015, 14:44:51 pm »
Dear creations,
Yes I do hope to one day be able to help other mothers who need advise on their lo's sleep needs. Those are big shoes to fill though. You ladies know so much. :)

Lo slept well with your advised routine
Wu: 730am( I woke him up but he was also stirring at that time)
Nap: 12-2( slept happy, woke up happy)
Nap: 5-515( happy in the carrier, capped)
Bedtime: 730pm

Do I stick to this 2 nap routine for the time being and leave 2-1 transition for the time being? Does it mean that I wake him up at 730am and not let him sleep in?

Do I cap his nap 1 if he is still sleeping at 2?
Or let him sleep past 2 if he chooses to do so? What do I do if I don't cap nap 1? Do I go for EBT or a later catnap and later bedtime?

Sorry if I rambling, I'm not sure what is best for him at the moment in terms of nap territory:
Solid 2 naps ( fixed 730pm bedtime or later bedtime if nap 1 is not capped),
 mostly 2 naps but going for 1 nap if he oversleeps( not capping nap 1);
or getting him to transition to 2-1 naps.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #109 on: October 16, 2015, 18:47:36 pm »
Do I stick to this 2 nap routine for the time being and leave 2-1 transition for the time being? Does it mean that I wake him up at 730am and not let him sleep in?
For now yes, and yes.
Lets see if he will settle into this.  I really don't think it is long before that transition but we never really got a proper start on it did we, just a few off-track days instead. The reduced CN which you now have is another method towards the transition anyway, so in effect we are already moving that direction.

Do I cap his nap 1 if he is still sleeping at 2?
Yes, let's stick to 2 naps just for now so wake in the morning and cap nap 1 at 2pm.

He's going to show us the way so don't worry.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #110 on: October 17, 2015, 04:34:57 am »
Thanks creations!
I will stick to the routine then. =)

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #111 on: October 17, 2015, 04:40:03 am »
I am still following along...meant to post last night and fell asleep on the couch! I agree with going back to the two nap routine and staying with that until he shows he needs a tweak. He will definitely let you know when he needs a change and we will be right here to help figure it out :)

i always underestimate how adaptable los are. how do you manage 3? =)

Well I've had nine years to get used to it ;) and they at least came one at a time...not sure how parents of multiples do it. You grow into it along with your lo's and as they grow they get more self sufficient (sometimes a good thing, sometimes not when your toddler can dress herself and chooses to wear a summer dress when it is 5°C in October!).

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #112 on: October 17, 2015, 05:35:34 am »
Thanks ladies!
Sigh he woke up screaming at 1hr 20 mins into his nap. :( I left him there crying for 10 mins. He's quietened down but whimpering. Will pick him up now.

I know that they are just lil human beings too so I can't expect him to sleep like clockwork. But why did he wake up crying? He slept so happily at 12 noon.

Wu: 730am ( I woke him up)
Nap 1: 12-120pm ( slept happily. Woke up screaming)
I will probably give him a nap ard 430pm then regular bedtime at 730pm.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #113 on: October 17, 2015, 05:40:42 am »
I am still following along...meant to post last night and fell asleep on the couch! I agree with going back to the two nap routine and staying with that until he shows he needs a tweak. He will definitely let you know when he needs a change and we will be right here to help figure it out :)

i always underestimate how adaptable los are. how do you manage 3? =)

Well I've had nine years to get used to it ;) and they at least came one at a time...not sure how parents of multiples do it. You grow into it along with your lo's and as they grow they get more self sufficient (sometimes a good thing, sometimes not when your toddler can dress herself and chooses to wear a summer dress when it is 5°C in October!).

Yr lil one sounds like she has a mind of her own. =)
does one ever get used to it? How do you handle bedtimes and nap times and meal times and bath times? What do you do when all 3 want you?

I am amazed.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 12:06:29 pm by centrestage88 »

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #114 on: October 17, 2015, 13:46:39 pm »
With waking crying from a nap - sometimes you never know the why, perhaps he was startled out of sleep. You are right that he won't do things like clockwork and that sometimes (well a lot of the time!) you will not know the reasons for how he is behaving. I always tell DH to run through his head when DD3 is upset/crying - is she tired? Hungry? Thirsty? Wet/Dirty? Hurt?Teething? And if all those are "no" then just snuggle her up and don't worry about trying to fix it as he will never know what the cause was.

The thing with adding more kids (or even just getting into a routine with a singleton) is that you just roll with whatever happens. I was not so good at that with DD1, got a bit better with DD2 and DD3 came a lot later so we had to just fit her in where it worked. My older two were 5 & 7 when she was born so very capable and able to help me and look after a lot of things themselves.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #115 on: October 18, 2015, 14:49:36 pm »
It's amazing the change that a child brings into your life. its a total change. I thought about crying babies, endless diaper changes, messes everywhere, but never ever a baby's sleep. I thought that babies would sleep easily like adults. Nap when they are tired and off to bed at night at normal times and up at normal times in the morning. And that when they slept at night, their parents could sleep as well. Oh my, the reality of it all.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #116 on: October 18, 2015, 14:58:52 pm »
I still don't know how you do it Masyn Elliot spencer. Even though your kids are older now, each additional child still requires attention. How do you find the time to cater to each? How do you find time for yourself?

LO slept pretty okay today. Will continue with the routine!
 wu: 730am ( I woke him up)
Nap 1: 1230-150pm
Nap 2: 5-520pm ( carrier. We went out)
Bedtime: 730pm.

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #117 on: October 18, 2015, 16:07:17 pm »
Looks like a great day! It might be helpful to remember that a lot of adults don't sleep easily or well either so not necessarily the best comparison.

As for having three - whether I am just lucky or my kids take after me, they are very independent and while of course they need me it is not the same thing at 9 years as it is at 9 months. One thing that drew me to BW was the Y part lol - I am an introvert and need that time so having my oids on a predictable routine was right up my alley. Plus I have DH who works an early shift and is home by 4 pm to spell me with the kids and shuttle them around to various activities.


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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #118 on: October 18, 2015, 17:47:30 pm »
Oh my, the reality of it all.
There's rather a lot of parenthood which parents keep quiet about, I'm sure it's to keep the population going lol
The baby stage is not so long long in the bigger scheme of things.  Each stage of development has it rewards and benefits as well as it's trickiness to deal with.
FWIW my mum had no idea at all with DS.  She had 3 children herself but when it came to DS she always thought she could just stick a bottle in his mouth and he'd go to sleep - wrong - she also thought she could stick a dummy in his mouth and he would go to sleep - wrong again.  He just didn't do those things.  She was astonished the way I put him to sleep, just goes to show everyone has different experiences and different ideas and even a mum of 3 can be stumped by a baby who refuses to let a dummy into his mouth. :)

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Re: How long does lo's nap schedule last before it changes again?
« Reply #119 on: October 19, 2015, 04:22:51 am »
Thanks ladies! =)
Masyn Spencer Elliotte, I'm an introvert too and need predictable time to myself.

Haha creations, my mum said the same thing. She also told me to always give him a bottle to get him to sleep, to rock him to sleep and to nurse him to sleep. She is very surprised with my EASY method of looking after lo.

Lo is very tired today. I cant explain why. He slept through the night last night ( I was surprised!), so I thought he would be more awake this morning. BUt fell asleep at the boob at 1120am and could not be roused. Will prob give him a catnap followed by regular bedtime.

WU: 730 ( he woke up himself)
nap 1: 1120am- 145pm ( fell asleep at the boob, woke up happy)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 08:12:49 am by centrestage88 »