Lisa - Lactose intolerance is less common in kids, but if you are lactose intolerant then it wouldnt be all that unusual for your kids to be as well. I'm lactose intolerant, as is my mom and for dd2 to be lactose intolerant, it may be "rare" or "uncommon" to her ped or someone outside the family, but its actually not all that surprising given her genetics, yk? It is also more/less common depending on your ethnic background.
I think there is debate about whether lactose intolerance causes damage to your gut if it's left unaddressed, i have read different views about what the effects of undigested lactose does to your body... Personally, I get a condition called keratosis pilarison (chicken skin) and rosacea flare ups (flushing and pustules, yuck) when I consume milk products with lactose. As long as I stay lactose free my skin is clear. So, it may not be bleeding damage to your gut being caused by lactose intolerance, but i think there are certainly some damaging effects

But if a person stayed within their tolerance level then there definitely wouldnt be any damage...I imagine its a very difficult thing to study, as everyone who is lactose intolerant has their own threshold.