Author Topic: Intolerant or allergic to milk?  (Read 3180 times)

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Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« on: August 08, 2015, 21:06:23 pm »
I have a friend whose 2yo DD has always vomited if she drinks too much milk or eats too much dairy. Her GP insists it is just because she has a "weak stomach and digestive system" and it is ok to just limit milk to an amount that doesn't make her vomit. She still has a couple of bottles of toddler comfort-type formula as she handles that better than cows milk apparently but it still cows milk based.

Does this sound right? I can't help worrying that even the low levels of milk every day will be damaging her insides. She was 6wks prem and mum stopped BFing after a month or so because of reflux if that is relevant.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 12:13:24 pm »
It sounds like she could be intolerant.  DD2 had reflux due to lactose intolerance (not commmon I know, but I am lactose intolerant so not really surprising).  Her ped made me trial regular milk after she turned 1yo and she ended up spitting up lots of milk again...she definitely failed the trial!

My brother is also lactose intolerant, and before my mom realized it, he would vomit milk a lot...even well into his school years.  If he had any milk products in his lunch the poor teachers would have some puke cleaning to do  :-X

I should add that with lactose intolerance, everyone has their own threshold.  Some some people can still have a little bit of milk products, some can have more, some cant have any at all.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2015, 12:16:47 pm by Tinkerbell99 »

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2015, 13:00:02 pm »
Straight vomiting does sound more like a lactose issue than a milk protein intolerance.

It would be damaging her insides if there were bowel issues as well - usually CMPI kids get constipation or diarrhea, plus mucous or blood in the stools and are in obvious discomfort with cramps, bloating and wind. There are often skin reactions as well - hives or eczema.

If the problem is just vomiting then it's not ideal, but it's not doing lower gut damage.

I'd encourage your friend to get her DD properly tested though as she may be ok on lactose free products!

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2015, 14:39:04 pm »

Is there a test for lactose intolerance then?
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2015, 17:24:52 pm »
According to the NHS vomiting isn't a symptom of lactose intolerance though I imagine it can vary with individuals.

I would have thought it was more of intolerance. Best thing would be for her to remove milk altogether and see if the symptoms clear. then she can go back to the GP and ask to be referred.

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 19:55:47 pm »
Sounds like non IgE CMPA to me. True lactose intolerance is rare in kids (CMPA is far more likely), but usually causes diarrhoea as the main feature.

It won't damage her, but equally she might be happier without milk and with dairy free alternatives. It is OK to limit a child to what they can handle - there is something called the milk ladder to introduce dairy - and that is essentially that i.e. some kids have yoghurts but can't have milk, others can have it cooked in stuff but not straight dairy.

I imagine she has had CMPA since birth and is basically slowly outgrowing it (the reflux was likely part of it).

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2015, 21:02:26 pm »
Thanks all.

BB, the symptoms clear if she limits milk intake to just the toddler formula I believe, it only causes vomiting if she gives her more than usual or lets her have ice cream or yogurt as well for example, or bigger volumes of milk.

That is useful to know Liz. I'll just keep out of it then if you don't think it is harmful to allow small amounts that she seems to be ok to handle. I was just worried that it should be all or nothing but wasn't sure. I knew you ladies would know.  :-*
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2015, 13:28:11 pm »
Is the LO taking a calcium supplement do you know? We got this from a dietician for Olly when he was referred. Or she needs to look carefully at other sources of calcium. I am sure she is already  :)

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2015, 14:44:59 pm »
Hmmm. I thought DS was lactose intolerant b/c of diarrhea, and b/c I am lactose intolerant. But if it is rare in kids maybe this other thing is to blame.
Liz, can you PM me the full name of CMPA so I can look into it? A google search just gives me Canadian Medical Practitioners Association!

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2015, 15:41:22 pm »
Lisa - Lactose intolerance is less common in kids, but if you are lactose intolerant then it wouldnt be all that unusual for your kids to be as well.  I'm lactose intolerant, as is my mom and for dd2 to be lactose intolerant, it may be "rare" or  "uncommon" to her ped or someone outside the family, but its actually not all that surprising given her genetics, yk?  It is also more/less common depending on your ethnic background.

I think there is debate about whether lactose intolerance causes damage to your gut if it's left unaddressed, i have read different views about what the effects of undigested lactose does to your body... Personally, I get a condition called keratosis pilarison (chicken skin) and rosacea flare ups (flushing and pustules, yuck) when I consume milk products with lactose.  As long as I stay lactose free my skin is clear.  So, it may not be bleeding damage to your gut being caused by lactose intolerance, but i think there are certainly some damaging effects  :-\  But if a person stayed within their tolerance level then there definitely wouldnt be any damage...I imagine its a very difficult thing to study, as everyone who is lactose intolerant has their own threshold.

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2015, 16:54:29 pm »
Liz, can you PM me the full name of CMPA so I can look into it? A google search just gives me Canadian Medical Practitioners Association!

Cow's Milk Protein Allergy xx

Liz - is that the same as MPI?

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2015, 19:13:20 pm »
I think so. It seems that the terms have been changed a bit to be more specific.

From what I understand non-IgE CMPA is the old MPI. It basically means they get vomiting, diarrhoea etc, but not the histamine response of IgE CMPA. IgE CMPI is hives/urticaria/anaphylaxis type reactions.

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Re: Intolerant or allergic to milk?
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2015, 20:33:16 pm »
I don't thinks he is on a calcium supplement but she drinks toddler formula so I imagine that is fortified with calcium probably.

Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011