I formula fed DS nearly right from the get-go. I'd like to keep my options open this time around, I would very much like to breast feed if possible, but I'm also of the mind-set that if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and I would hopefully not be crushed by this like I was the first time.
With DS he had a good latch right away which was fantastic. But day after day after day, the milk did not come. And DS got increasingly frustrated, was losing tons of weight, and screamed all.day.long because he was starving. It took a week (about 7 full days) before I had ANY milk come in, and by that time I'd already given up. He was under 6lbs so I was advised that he needed to nurse every 2 hours and that I needed to pump in between. I would "feed" him 20mins on each side (40mins) and then I would pump 15mins on each side (30mins) and then I would have less than an hour before I started this whole process over again...all day long, meanwhile he is screaming literally the entire time because he was so hungry, and he was constantly bobbing on/off because he wasn't getting anything. I was a complete and utter mess. I was exhausted, I felt guilty because I couldn't feed my child, and I spent the first week of his life in a bucket of tears.
The first time I gave him a bottle with formula he stopped crying. And stayed that way. And was happy. And satisfied. And that was it for me, I was done.
So my silly question is...what do you do until your milk comes in? I am just trying to prepare myself in case this happens again.