Hey ladies after some BTDT...DS is 3 yrs 3 months been sleeping great 7/7.15pm-6.30am for a about 4 months now and consistently on no nap. Would often shout around 6.15 but stay in bed till mr sun came up.
He's moved to pre school part of his nursery which is different building and ladies but quite a few of his old nursery friends moved with him. First week settling in he loves it, but last 2 weeks we've had a few tears on drop off but they say he's fine within minutes, he eats well there and plays happily, but every morning asks me if it's not nursery today.
The first week we had a few NW where he seemed half asleep but wouldn't stay in his bed and was saying there were flying things in the room and in our room took a good hour to calm him, that's now stopped but He's now started EW again 5.30am and won't stay in bed till Mr sun, it's like he doesn't even see it...walks straight past and comes to me for a cuddle. I haven't been strictly enforcing the sun as thought it might be a bit of anxiety and he might just need mummy for a couple of weeks!?!
He is pretty much an 11 hour sleep guy if he takes even a CN its 10.5 hours.
Just after some thoughts really