Ladies, I'm about to loose my mind. I have an almost 4 year old who is now a wonderful sleeper largely thanks to you ladies
. However I have an almost 1 year old who is not. She refuses to nap, and now has frequent night wakings. We are in the process of ending night feedings (she's breast fed) and was a co sleeper. I've found it impossible to get her on a nap schedule because of my older child's schedule. I drop her at preschool every weekday for 8:45/9. Pick up is 11:20/11:30. This has meant that my younger daughter falls asleep in the car pretty much every day. On weekends she falls asleep in her swing if we aren't going somewhere (if we are it's the car again). I have no one to do the drop offs or pick ups, so I have to do them. For the time when she would have a second nap my older one is home, and I cannot leave her unattended for any real length of time while I train my second to sleep. I'm sure this is leaving her overtired. Even in the swing she will often not sleep more than 45 min (very occasionally longer). She has also had persistent colds (thank you preschool) since birth and has had ear infections as a result.
Now she wakes between 11:30 and 12:30 pretty much every night and shh/pat had never worked for her. It just makes her angry. After holding and rocking she will go back to sleep. By about 3am she was nursing (almost transitioned away) and would have ended up in my bed due to sheer exhaustion. I'm trying to get her into her crib for the night. She's up at 3-4, then pretty much every 30-60 min. Screaming like she's being killed. Hard to settle. If I finally give in and nurse her she will go back to sleep.
She wakes at 7. Eats well throughout the day. Nurses at 2pm, to bed with nurse by 8pm, nurse at around 3am, nurse at 6ish am.
Ladies I need to solve these nap issues and night sleep. It's waking my older child, I haven't slept in a year and my husband is running on empty.