I've been posting about sleep/nap issues for about a few months now. This 1-0 nap transition is tricky business! When he first started dropping the nap we would do ebt at about a 10.5-11 hour day but we've quickly moved to him doing 12-12.5 hour day with no nap. So it gets tricky because if he wakes at 730 am he will go to bed around 730-8 so I've actually not been putting him down for nap as I don't want a later bedtime but he still is having a hard time handling the afternoon without a nap which is what's confusing to me. He's very quiet and in a daze, doesn't eat well and his behavior is not good ( getting into trouble, not able to listen well and just being wild and delirious). So are there any tips or suggestions of what I could do to help. He used to be able to do a 45min-1 hour nap with a 13 hour day but that's getting rough now with him being awake in crib a long time at night. And he doesn't apop a nap in the car and if he does its short and he wakes miserable and it pushes bedtime later do its so not worth it.