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Feeding question
« on: August 25, 2015, 05:40:45 am »
Dd will be 6 months old next week.  Both of my other Dds had dropped night feeds by now but currently DD3 is taking one night feed and always takes 5+ounces.  The issue I'm having is she is very uninterested in feeding during the day.  She goes 5 hrs between feeds. I'm lucky if she takes 4oz at these feeds but usually its a struggle just to get that in.  We started solids but don't have a firm routine with it yet so she's really not getting that much solids.  I'm having a hard time extending time between feeds so she's more interested in feeding when she's still waking at night to feed. It just seems all wrong.  Shouldn't I try to get more in during the day so she doesn't wake at night?  Sound right but also seems impossible.
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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 10:38:52 am »
If the night feed bothers you and you think she has no health reason to wake up and take it, you could try to slowly taper off that feed and see if she stops waking for it. That might help her to increase the daytime milk intake. You can lessen the ounces slowly in the night bottle and/or hold off as much as possible until you move it slowly to the morning and see if she'll start taking it as her first bottle of the day instead of during the night. You can also maybe alter when you offer solids to see if that might encourage her to take more during the day. What does your daily routine look like?

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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 13:44:59 pm »
My DS had a NF until he was 8 months, when we started experiencing the same issues.  Has she started solids yet?

Essentially I did as pp suggested, I'd drop the NF bottle by an ounce and hold for 3-4 days, then drop by another ounce until he was weaned off his NF.  But, like I said he was a bit older and well established on solids at 8 months.

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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 19:30:06 pm »
Thanks for the replies.  The night feed doesn't bother me but the lack of interest in feeding during the day is annoying.  I think we'll establish solids and then wean like you suggested.  Thanks so much. Should I so the same for the dream feed?
DD1 (1/09)
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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2015, 21:17:04 pm »
I would think if you have a DF and a NF you could go ahead and do a gentle wean on the NF right away without waiting for solids to establish or increase. I wouldn't do both DF and NF at once though.

I would have suggested a gentle wean much as pp said, but I'd go a bit faster based on observing how much was taken. So reduce by 1oz initially but watch exactly how much is taken, if the bottle is not drained I'd note how much was taken and use that lesser amount the following night.  If the bottle was drained I'd hold for a couple of days then reduce by a further oz.
Day time milk feeds may not necessarily increase right away it may take a few days or a week for her to realise she wants to eat more in the day - with the day bottles I'd make sure they are not drained by always offering more than she takes.

Tracy suggested dropping the DF at 7 months, some keep it a bit longer. I think mine was more like 8 months.

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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2015, 22:33:06 pm »
thanks Creations. 
my next question is..........(totally lame I know) but what if I'm not ready to give up the night feed?  Maybe LO is but I'm not.  In fact, I know LO doesn't really really need it but I'm not sure I'm totally there yet.  it's so easy to get her back to sleep with the feed.  Am I creating a prop?  I've never tried to get her back to sleep without feeding but then she's always just woken once at night.  I suppose from previous experience (both DD1 and DD2 dropped the night feed around 3 or 4 months old) I dread the night wakings that happen several times a night and for who knows what reason.  Before I'd get LO's back to sleep however without feeding and sometimes it would take a long time and there would be several night wakings.  This must be fresh in the memory because waking once a night to feed for 10min seems pretty lucky to me.  perhaps this should be on the props board?  what do you think?
Last night DD took about 3.5ounces at her feed.  I always make a 4 ounce bottle and sometimes she drains it and sometimes she takes most but not all.  With the other two DD's I knew they were ready to drop the night feed because they'd be uninterested and take very little.  again this may be me holding onto the night feed.  (why must I torture myself with anxiety!)
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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2015, 07:50:26 am »
what if I'm not ready to give up the night feed?  Maybe LO is but I'm not.  In fact, I know LO doesn't really really need it but I'm not sure I'm totally there yet.  it's so easy to get her back to sleep with the feed. 
I'm not totally sure i understand your reason for you not being ready to drop the NF.  Is it because you dread long NWs that are difficult to settle when feeding is the simple and quick solution?
Or is it that you don't feel ready to let LO grow up and enjoy being needed in the night?

Have I read correctly that there is both a DF and a NF, so 2 feeds between BT and WU?

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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2015, 04:20:57 am »
Yes.  Dream feed and night feed.
And yes on the dread long night wakings!
DD1 (1/09)
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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2015, 05:32:05 am »
In that case I'd really suggest the gentle wean on the NF (keep the DF as it is for now).
If you follow the advice above on reducing gradually I am sure you will not end up with long NWs. The process of the gradual wean really should be as simple as doing the night feed. I know it's scary but what if you gave yourself a back up plan so that you are not 'stuck' in a NW without milk to give?  Would that help?
What I would suggest is as above (drop 1oz at a time) and take with you a bottle of water.  If the milk is drained and LO will not settle offer the water. If you are very worried about this then how about take with you a second bottle with that 1oz in?  If the bottle is drained and LO is asking for more, and water won't settle then give the other milk bottle.  It's really only there for your peace of mind.
I really think you will be amazed how gently that NF can be weaned to move the milk intake to the day hours.  There needn't be any crying or lengthy resettling, it should feel like a normal night feed but get smaller each night until you only offer water but the chances are she will stop waking up before it gets to that.

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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2015, 17:41:02 pm »
Great idea!  I guess all that's left is to do it! 
DD1 (1/09)
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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2015, 17:48:57 pm »
Yes, you just have to start, I can still remember how scared I was of weaning the DF and the BT feed (older) but both were so simple, honestly.

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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2015, 23:27:53 pm »
Creations,  I've started this process and am really just posting this for my own peace of mind.  :)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 00:09:07 am by Nauvoo »
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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2015, 18:12:01 pm »
Holding your hand x

Offline Nauvoo

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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2015, 19:48:06 pm »
Thanks.  I need it!  We've done 3 oz for 3 days now.  Planning on going to 2 soon. Unfortunately DD1 has a very bad cold that I'm afraid that DD3 will get.
DD1 (1/09)
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Re: Feeding question
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2015, 17:33:28 pm »
So we are down to 2oz now.  I really suspect she does not really need a feed at all but now I'm noticing that it takes much more effort to get her back so sleep and she is waking much more often.  Kind of what I expected.  I suppose I'll head over to the props board soon as well.  thanks for your help.  I think we'll move to 1oz today or tomorrow and then nada!  She is now starting to wake before the DF and if not then she wakes during the DF and taking some time to get back down after  :-\
DD1 (1/09)
DD2 (10/11)
DD3 (3/15)

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