Hi Nicola,
I reckon you're heading into nap capping territory. Its best to keep one nap unlimited (though if >2hr, that can be capped), so you can pick one to chop. I think its safest to have a longer first nap pushed later and then cap the second nap short to preserve BT. Pushing that first nap later should help with the EW as would capping it. That gives the best chance at getting at least one good nap in each day because you can always try again in the PM is AM goes to pot

Sometimes its a matter of deciding what fits best with your family. DS did really well for a time with 2 x 1hr nap but we struck some issues with extending either nap before going to 1 nap and that made it tricky because he was out of the habit of sleeping 1.5hr+ Some LO's do better with a short CN in the AM and then a long PM nap.
Either way, I'd increase that first A time pronto