Author Topic: 8 month old won't drink milk  (Read 2159 times)

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Offline sunflower321

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8 month old won't drink milk
« on: August 26, 2015, 15:01:16 pm »
Hi, my dd has always been a bad milk drinker. Dd1 was too but not this bad. She now hardly drinks a thing all day. I'm getting tired of the stress of constantly trying to get her to drink milk.
First thing in the morn she might drink 2oz. On a good day 3oz. That will usually take 30mins of coaxing and battling. Then she'll have a small bit of cereal with fruit mixed with 2oz formula.
11.45am  She loves her lunch. A bowl of meat, potato, veg puree followed by yogurt.
5pm  teatime. Loves baby rice which I mix with formula and fruit/veg puree.
6.30pm  might take 3 oz. Usually  I have to wait til she falls asleep at 7 and I might get the 3oz into her in her sleep.
I do try her with a bottle in between meals but she just gets really angry and drinks nothing.
Now I could give a finger food snack in between meals because she likes food and I'm sure she'd take it. I haven't so far because I didn't want to increase her solids more. She goes a long time with nothing I think.
Also today I tried her with a sippy cup of water for the first time. She liked this and took a good few gulps. So maybe if she gets the hang of drinking from it I could try putting formula in it... It never worked with dd1. She only drinks water. No milk. But she was older when I tried. If I do give her formula in the sippy, should I heat it or give it cold do you think?
So basically I'm asking should I increase solids to make up for the formula or hold off in the hope she'll take it? Any other advice?
Btw she was a small baby. 5lb. Growing fine and plenty of fat now but still not a big baby. She just turned 8 months. The milk intake hasalways been a problem with bm and formula. I expressed for a long time and my heart was broken from the unfinished bm I threw away!
Sorry I just wanted to add. I mentioned I started her on a sippy cup today. Well this eve I put her formula in it. She looked really excited when she saw it coming obviously remembering it from this morn. But she took one sip of the formula and burst into tears. So I'm not filled with hope!
I'm sitting here now while she's after falling asleep trying to get her to take some in her sleep. It's so draining. So far all she has drunk today is 2.5oz of formula at 7am and some sips of water at lunchtime. Refused every other milk feed offered.
Sometimes she takes the milk now in her sleep. A couple of oz. Tonight every time I try she wakes and spits it out. Should I even bedoing this? I'm annoying her when she wants to sleep.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 18:15:55 pm by sunflower321 »

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Re: 8 month old won't drink milk
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 02:16:58 am »
Just bumping this up for you - how are things now?

Offline lauradj

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Re: 8 month old won't drink milk
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2015, 03:39:07 am »
Hey there!  Will your LO eat cheese, spinach, broccoli?  I know you said she'll take yogurt.  I wonder if maybe, for the time being, follow her lead a bit?  I think you should keep offering her milk at the usual times but not make a big deal out of it if she refuses.  Keep offering her water so she stays hydrated and if she'll have any of the above mentioned foods, they're all high in calcium so that would help ensure she's getting those nutrients.  I'm just thinking that if getting her to drink milk becomes a battle/fight/game, she'll want to win regardless of whether she wants the milk or not.  Does that make sense?

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Re: 8 month old won't drink milk
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 09:16:49 am »
Just totting up how much milk/dairy there is in a day it looks like around 12 oz to me, would you agree?
12oz is certainly lower than the guidance amount but you say she is a small baby and has never been that interested in milk. My DS was the same, it was a constant worry for me, but he continued to gain weight and followed his centile line on the growth chart (moving one line up or down is normal between weighing, moving 2 lines or more would raise a question).
In then end I accepted he was not a big milk drinker and was taking enough milk, solids, calories, nutrients, to keep him growing and healthy.
Have you spoken with your health professional about the milk intake?  I see you've said she's gained weight ok so I imagine your doctor is not highly concerned about the milk?

Based on what you've said, reducing solids is not likely to increase milk intake (mine was like this) so although that is usually one way to increase milk intake if it's not going to work for your LO then no point going down that route.
A few things you could think about trying:
- increase dairy solids so that the overall daily milk/dairy intake is increased (eg fingers of cheese she can hold in a fist grasp or grated cheese if she has developed a pincer grasp)
- use formula in solids so that the dairy solids you offer also contains the added vits & minerals that are in formula and absent from cows milk/yoghurt.  eg home made formula milk pudding instead of shop bought cows yoghurt
- switch from baby rice to a different fortified baby cereal. Baby rice contains almost nothing in the way of nutrients but will fill her little tummy up meaning she is less hungry for other more nutrient-rich foods/milk.  Compare the list of vits and mins on another sugar-free baby cereal pack with the baby rice. Fortified cereals can offer some of what is added to the formula which she's missing by not taking so much formula. Continue to make cereal with formula.
- change the third solids meal of the day to a more nutrient-rich meal by giving protein/veg without any cereal/rice added, perhaps some cheese and vegetables

Now, you asked if you should give more solids to make up for the low milk intake. In a contradiction of what I've said above, I want to say from my personal experience, when I tried to increase DS's dairy/formula intake by offering more dairy solids (milk pudding made with formula etc) the result was he took even less formula from a bottle.  I tried for several days and the bottle feeding went even worse than previously.  When I went the opposite way and totally cut back on dairy solids (I didn't stop solids meals just didn't offer any dairy, or very very little dairy) he increased his bottle milk intake. I was quite amazed to see that however the diary was offered he had a 'limit' as though he knew how much he needed and would take that in solids or bottled formula but couldn't/wouldn't take beyond this amount. A kind of self regulation of his dairy needs. As a result I felt more confident that his food intake overall must be meeting his needs.  At that point I decided I preferred him to have the formula (in a bottle at his routine times) rather than increased dairy solids simply because his formula is a more complete for of milk for a baby with all those vits and mins added. I didn't avoid all dairy solids, he had some cheese, some butter, and so on but his solids meals were more 'real' as a result of not trying to make everything into a dairy meal.
I realise this may be somewhat confusing but you could do as I did and try one way for a week then try the other and see which turns out best for your LO... and which one helps you feel more confident that she's ok to reduce the stress this is causing you.

WRT trying to get the milk in during sleep and coaxing with sippy cup or for prolonged times at routine milk times, I wouldn't do those. I would just offer formula in a bottle at the routine times and leave it at that.

(PS for things like milk pudding there is no need to sweeten. Cook cornflour into the formula to make it into a thick pudding and serve just like that or if you like mix with a little spice such as cinnamon, or a savoury pudding with herbs and cheese)

hope this helps some

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Re: 8 month old won't drink milk
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2015, 06:41:28 am »
Thanks for the replies ladies. Her milk intake has slightly improved. She is now taking 3 ×3oz  bottles. And last night she took 4oz for her last bottle! This mightn't sound like a lot to some but I'm happy with it. Plus 3-4oz in her food. Plus a yogurt.
Laura yes she has spinach and broccoli among the veg in her lunchtime meal. I was actually only offering her water once a day because I had hoped that ifshe was thirsty she might drink the milk. Yes Laura that makes sense about the fight because they win every time  :)
Creations I understand what you mean about the baby rice. The reason I give it to her really is because I find it soaks up so much milk. I was viewing it as a formula thickener and a filler if you know what I mean. And I give her some puree veg/fruit with it. Although only a small amount. I could increase it. Plus she loves it. I give her an oat cereal with her fruit in the morn but it doesn't absorb as much milk. Plus most of the other cereals on the shelves here have follow on milk already added to them and you're supposed to make them with water. So I chose the rice because I prefer the idea of her having her own formula rather than a follow on formula which I can't even measure. I can give her veg and cheese but I wouldn't get as much milk in... stupidly I never thought of giving her a finger of cheese til you said it creations. I've given her grated cheese which she can't manage and frustrates her but I hadn't thought of a finger!
Like I say I'm a lot happier with 3 3oz bottles. Thanks for the replies, advice and ideas.
Oh also creations I will definitely try the puddings. Just to make sure it's formula + cornflour+cinnamon or cheese?

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Re: 8 month old won't drink milk
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2015, 07:45:47 am »
OK, glad you're feeling better about the milk intake.
Just to make sure it's formula + cornflour+cinnamon or cheese?
Just formula and cornflour will make a pudding. Flavour with anything you want but obviously not sugar/honey.  Here's a recipe but I would leave out all sugar and salt, and I would be careful what vanilla you use as some vanilla extracts are made of sugar but this recipe is just a guide for you