I do still have some zantac that was prescribed for him when he was a newborn. It probably isn't the right prescription, but it shouldn't hurt to give it a try, right, just to see if it helps. He does still spit up, but not nearly as bad as it used to be (they both do, but only the one complains ever). He has been getting irritable about an hour after he eats, I just figured that was because he was hungry, do you think maybe it is because of reflux? I do remember thinking last night that he was acting colicy (or what I think colicy is, he has never done this before).
I tried the top up after their solid meals yesterday and the baby I'm concerned only took about half an ounce. He drank about 4 ounces right before his nap though, and that was the only thing that would calm him enough to get him to stop screaming. I didn't let him fall asleep with the bottle though ( I sometimes zone out when feeding them and they fall asleep while nursing/eating). Once he had his fill he laid down in his crib content and just kind of rocked back and forth and cooed until he fell asleep. However, he didn't eat until about 2 hours after he woke up from his 1.5 hour nap.
He ate about 4 ounces for his dream feed and then woke up at 5 super upset (like screaming). He did have a dirty diaper, he ate about 2 ounces, threw that up, and then ate two more ounces. He was just so upset, and I was so tired, that we ended up cuddling in bed (P.S. - I can count on one hand the number of times I have let him fall asleep in my bed on one hand) and he fell asleep there after talking and cooing a bit. But he was significantly calmer once I cuddled up with him. Is he maybe going through some sort of attachment phase? I don't even know how to help him because I don't know what is wrong.
Anyways, Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.