Author Topic: 9 month awake all evening but sleeping through the night!  (Read 2941 times)

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Offline clcurtis

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Re: 9 month awake all evening but sleeping through the night!
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2015, 17:46:56 pm »
I'm worried he's getting my cold too, plus he does have a load of new teeth coming through and he keeps rubbing his nose and mouth so that could be adding to things.

Yesterday went like this:

7:40am Woke/formula
8:30am Breakfast
10:30am Sleep
11:35am Wake
12:30pm Lunch
2:45pm Nap
4:15pm Woke
5pm Dinner
6:45pm Bath
7pm Story
7:20pm Bed
8:10pm Sleep

I cut out the last milk feed before bed a couple of weeks ago to see if reflux has something to do with it but I've seen no change.  I'm wondering if I should start it up again? He is very clingy to me these days whenever I leave the room.  However he does allow me to leave when he has his milk.  I'm half tempted to give him his tippy cup in his cot to see if it allows me to leave the room!

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 9 month awake all evening but sleeping through the night!
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2015, 18:27:04 pm »
I'd keep the BT milk if you see this early enough to do it tonight. I can definitely see what you're trying to do, but perhaps that might have confused him as he wants his BT milk? Anything to make BT easier eh?

I'll pop back when I've put DD to bed to have a look at the routine for you xx

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Re: 9 month awake all evening but sleeping through the night!
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2015, 19:46:42 pm »
So teething will definitely cause havoc at nighttime as you know. Just try and medicate with ibuprofen as often as you can (every 6hrs I think) for the time being. But I do think it shouldn't be causing too much of an issue going down at BT per se. Especially of you can medicate beforehand.

I'm actually wondering if he's UT at BT yk? After a decent nap of 1.5hrs I would say definitely that a BT 3hrs later is just not enough for him. You've got room to lengthen your day a bit more too. It is very usual to have 13hr days through transitions and you're trying for a 12hr one really with actually quite a bit of day sleep for a 13mo. Not unheard of, but I do wonder if we should push BT back a bit. Wdyt?

As he feel asleep yesterday at 8.10pm, I'm thinking perhaps try a 12.5hr day for now and shoot for BT 3.5hrs after the afternoon nap has ended for now? I do think it'll have to be moved later or modify the routine elsewhere, but it's a good place to start.

Fwiw at 13mo my DD and many, many others are over the 5hrs A mark before nap and BT. 3hrs A is actually very close to what a 6mo would be doing so maybe unrealistic to ask him to go to bed so early? Xx. Average A times- BOOKMARK ME!

Eta have you introduced a lovey or something? That really does tend to help during SA and any other times actually. Is there a particular stuffed animal he likes? Or maybe a muslin (these are great as you can wash and swop them around).

P.s I'm going to move this over to toddler sleep as he's 13mo, but I will keep with it as a mod ok? Just want it in the right place x
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 19:53:08 pm by Kellyjs »

Offline clcurtis

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Re: 9 month awake all evening but sleeping through the night!
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2015, 21:15:02 pm »
He sleeps!!!

No rocking, no shh'ing, no lying next to him on the floor! Sleeps!!

So we have had the same day routine as usual but tonight:

7:10pm Bath
7:20pm Out, dressed him in his room and read a couple of stories
7:35pm Milk with lullabies on
7:45pm Put in cot, walked out the room

He laid in his cot for a while playing with his dummies like he does for his day time naps and after 10/20mins he was asleep.

I know it's still early days but this is the best he's been in months.  I think you may be right with him just not being tired at 7pm.  I'll try the same routine tomorrow night to make sure it's not a fluke! But that 3.5hr was definitely the case tonight.  Thank you   :D

Offline Kellyjs

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Re: 9 month awake all evening but sleeping through the night!
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2015, 07:56:10 am »
Yay and yay  ;D. Honestly so happy for you!! Well done you.

Ok, this routine might not be set in stone ok? Once he gets used to this new A time it well might need extending again, however it might just get you through the Xmas period hopefully!! Do keep in touch and we'll work on it again after Xmas. Please know I'm here for you if you ever feel as lost as you did before, just post on here xx