My son is 6 months this week. My first son followed EASY re late let easily however I have struggled with my ds2 because he is a snacker and I have been unable to make him feed more, less frequently. He started solids 2 weeks ago and this is going well. He's now on 3 meals but is still feeding in the night... A lot sometimes!
So the routine is:
6am wake and eat
7 breakfast
8.30 sleep
10 BF
12 sleep
2 awake and BF
4 sleep
5 awake and have tea
6 bath
6.30 BF
10 BF (this is not a dream feed)
2 BF
5/5.30 BF
I think he would go muxh longer during the day as he is so distracted by things and my toddler! How do I stop him waking at night for feeds. I have tried PU/PD but he pulls at my top and I do not know what else to do. Should I be trying to cluster feed before bed? Has he become used to the habitual waking during the night to feed? If so how do i stop it?
I must add I think he's having a growth spurt because he's actually added new night feeds last few days!!!!!
Thanks in advance