If anyone had a similar problem, please share what helped.
DD who is almost 8 months is fighting her last BF of the day. This BF session has never been very easy for us, but we had easier days than now. Despite this, she was still exclusively BF and gaining weight fine.
She is on solids now, 3 times daily (I recently introduced third meal because she seems hungrier during the day). She has about 2 tbsp each meal, dinner is at 5 pm (some fruit actually) and BF by 6:30.
She usually BF 8 min one breast and 4 min another. Now she just stops after 4 min and starts Turning around, looking, fussing, she gets back in breast, sucks for a few seconds and off again, turning, moving. I am having such a hard time coaxing her back on.
last meal supposed to be babies favorite, but just so much struggle for us and I feel it has never been this bad . I am afraid to loose milk, but I am just not a pumping person.
Why this can be happening, what others did to make this BF better.