Author Topic: 3 to 2 nap transition  (Read 1367 times)

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3 to 2 nap transition
« on: September 04, 2015, 12:06:58 pm »
My LO is 6mo 1wk old. He's been on the following schedule:

E: 7am wake, feed.  Puree solids + 4oz bottle.
S: 9am-11am
E: 11am. Puree solids + 4oz bottle.
S: 1pm-3pm
E: 3pm. Puree solids + 4oz bottle.
S: 5pm ~ 45min cat nap.
A: bath
E: 7pm 6-8oz bottle with rice cereal in it.
E: 10pm dream feed ~ 4oz bottle.

He needs a fair amount of PU/PD, shh/pat at naps but goes down more and more by himself at night to sleep. I am greatful that my 6 mo old sleep from 7:30pm -5:45am without getting up. 

He wakes up at can almost set your clock to it.  Typically crabby, but once you get him settled after 5-10 min of PU/PD just wants to have a party and play in his crib.  Half the time I'm able to get him back asleep for 15-30min before 7am, other times he's up the whole time.  Also, the lovely 45 minute nap has reared its ugly head again. 

From everything I've read, it sounds like he needs to have more A time.  And, I need to cut out his evening cat nap.  But, I'm having difficulty doing so, even just advancing his schedule 10 minutes because in the am he's been up already since getting to just 9:10 am or 9:20 am is a stretch.  He gets overtired and we have a melt down. 

Thoughts?  Do I just need to power through?  I'm open to ideas/suggestions.   

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Re: 3 to 2 nap transition
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2015, 11:08:49 am »
Hi Honey. Yes it seems it slightly too much sleep during day. I would consider pushing first nap and than pushing the whole routine forward. To be on 2 nap, even if they are 2h each you have to work on 2,5h A time so slightly more you have now. So do it slowly, let her nap 2h on her 1/2nd nap and slowly cut the CN until you eliminate it. When there is no place for CN try EBT.