Author Topic: almost 4 months - everyday became mess  (Read 4108 times)

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Re: almost 4 months - everyday became mess
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2015, 05:54:23 am »
You are right that 30min naps are often OT but some kiddos will do UT ones lasting 30min. So yes I would push the A gently. how long is the second nap? After 1.5h A and 30min nap?

Re feeding some of Tracy's advice is outdated now and we believe if she lived she would update it. One point is that some ebf kids don't manage to go to 4h between feeds. Mine could but I was cluster feeding until 5/6mo when I introduced bottle and solids. So you may try feeding him twice during A time, either shortly after first feed or just 30mkn before sleep. You also may keep 4h if that suits him, but feed him around 3, 5 and 7pm - that's what I did.

Offline Kasianie

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Re: almost 4 months - everyday became mess
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2015, 11:32:48 am »
We are ok. Last days were good - I managed to keep him awake 1.45/2 hours at the morning, and at the begining he was crying "I'm tired!" after 1h20 but I kept him awake - we were smiling at each other etc and he was waking up after 30min (I think it was OT) but now he is ok for almost two hours and is sleeping 1h20  8)
He is 4 months and 1 week now. Should I move A time another 15min? Or wait a little?

I'm feeding when I see that he is hungry and then topping up one hour after the feed - today was the first night he woke only once to eat  8)

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Re: almost 4 months - everyday became mess
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2015, 12:23:43 pm »
Happy for you Honey!

Re naps - I would stay with current A for couple of days, his naps may still lengthen. He is having two longer ones now and a catnap?
In general around 6 month his A will be around 2.5-3h so in next 8-9 weeks you will need to push slowly towards that A time. You will go from 3 naps to 2 of 1.5-2h. So just look closely at him and think if there is any need for a push.

Re hunger, that's a great news. You may stop feeding him after 1h if you see he is totally not interested - but if he is sleeping better with current feeding routine, I wouldn't worry. Around 6mo you are introducing solids and that's also a good moment to ger rif of that top-up feeds and replace them with some solid meal - and leaving solid routine of 4 breast feeds a day.

Offline Kasianie

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Re: almost 4 months - everyday became mess
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2015, 09:04:18 am »
So instead of lengthening the naps he is shortening them again. After five days od naps longer than an hour (usualy 1h20min) he has again 40 and 30 min. Uhh. I'm keeping him awake 1h50-2h10 (I'm trying to read his cues) and no matter how long A is - sometimes after 2h10 he is sleeping 1h20 and sometimes 35min.  Should I push it 2h20? I'm not sure...

And he is refusing to eat during the day - he stopped geting top ups. He just won't. All calories he wants to take at night..... Hope it's temporary.

When he will be 5 months we are slowly introducing solids - I'm working again when he will be six and our doctor told us to introduce solids earlier, when I'm still at home and can bf a lot. Hope it will help.

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Re: almost 4 months - everyday became mess
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2015, 14:50:37 pm »
I personally wouldn't introduce solids earlier but it's your choice. I also was going back to work at 6mo and F was in the nursery and I think we started with one small meal at 5.5mo.

Re activity - yes, I would push to 2:15-2:20 if he is shortening the naps.