Hi, I don't know if it's a good place to post for this, but please move the post to the right place if that's the case.
My DS is 7.5 months and started crawling (but still on his belly) 2 weeks ago. Since then it has become impossible to change his nappy!! He would roll over to his belly every time. That gives me a total of 5 sec on his back to change his nappy:/
It seems to me, I have tried everything. Talking to him, giving him things to hold (other nappies, toys, teether, phone, paci, books, blanket), singing, tickling, making faces, and that's probably all the ideas I had. It takes from 5 min to 20 min to change a nappy, when I need to dress him that's even worse. I change him upside down and in many acrobatic positions
That can be nerverecking, believe me. I feel like we struggle and fight most of the time. I know you are not suppost to resstle with your LO, but I don't know what else can I do.
Do you have any other ideas?
Oh, and please, tell me it's a common thing