I have posted a week ago on this forum as well as the Getting Back on Track forum about my LO's short naps and late bedtime as well as his frequent feeding. I got some great advice so thank you! However, he was still sick so I just followed his cues for the next two days which brings me to this post. I wasnt sure where to post this so I posted here and Getting Back on Track (hope that's ok).
My LO has been a short napper since 9 weeks so we have been struggling with a routine that worked. However, he's a great sleeper at night (Last two days we have been down to one feed a night). His old bedtime was between 8-9 but slowly I was working on it to be 7-7:30. Well growth spurt, travel, and illness has made his schedule later and later where now his bedtime has dwindled to 11 pm!! I feel like everything we have accomplished is out the window not to mention he still struggles with naps. I don't know what to do about A. His super late bedtime b. His short naps. I really need to get back on track bc this is driving me to tears!!
It has been mentioned to me to gradually start waking him up earlier to move the routine up. How do I do that? What about A times? My LO is 14 weeks old. Will waking him up earlier make him OT and a nightmare? Will that affect bedtime? I'm so confused. I do top up feeds because he is hungry 45-1hr after the first feed. Not sure how or if I can change this. Anyways, I am posting yesterday's EASY or my attempt at it. I'm hoping to get advice on what to do...do I need a change in A time? How to deal with bedtime being so late. I should note that last night he slept 10 straight hours without a nw so I'm assuming he's eating more in the day to make up for the calories he's not getting at night.
WU- 10:08
E- 10:17
E- 11:04 (top up feed)
S- 11:45-12:26 (A time 1 hr 37 min); rocked him a bit
E- 1:05 pm
E 1:42 (top up for 2 minutes)
A (very short just wind down for nap)
S: 1:48- 3:54 pm (A time 1 hr 22 minutes); cranky, fell asleep while I sang to him; split nap between bed and on me
E: 4:17 pm
E: 5:17 pm (top up feed)
S: 5:26- 6:06 pm(A time 1 hr 33 minutes)
E: 6:08
E: 7:30 (top up feed)
S: 7:36-8:08 (A time 1 hr 30 minutes)
E: 8:08
A: including bath time and bedtime routine
E: 9:20 (top up feed)
S: 9:42- 10:08 (A time 1 hr 35 minutes)
E: 10:10
S: 11:34 pm (wouldn't go to sleep; DH came home late from work and stimulated LO where he couldn't settle right away)