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My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« on: September 12, 2015, 15:15:35 pm »

I have posted a week ago on this forum as well as the Getting Back on Track forum about my LO's short naps and late bedtime as well as his frequent feeding. I got some great advice so thank you! However, he was still sick so I just followed his cues for the next two days which brings me to this post. I wasnt sure where to post this so I posted here and Getting Back on Track (hope that's ok).
 My LO has been a short napper since 9 weeks so we have been struggling with a routine that worked. However, he's a great sleeper at night (Last two days we have been down to one feed a night). His old bedtime was between 8-9 but slowly I was working on it to be 7-7:30. Well growth spurt, travel, and illness has made his schedule later and later where now his bedtime has dwindled to 11 pm!! I feel like everything we have accomplished is out the window not to mention he still struggles with naps. I don't know what to do about A. His super late bedtime b. His short naps. I really need to get back on track bc this is driving me to tears!!

It has been mentioned to me to gradually start waking him up earlier to move the routine up. How do I do that? What about A times? My LO is 14 weeks old. Will waking him up earlier make him OT and a nightmare? Will that affect bedtime? I'm so confused. I do top up feeds because he is hungry 45-1hr after the first feed. Not sure how or if I can change this. Anyways,  I am posting yesterday's EASY or my attempt at it. I'm hoping to get advice on what to I need a change in A time? How to deal with bedtime being so late. I should note that last night he slept 10 straight hours without a nw so I'm assuming he's eating more in the day to make up for the calories he's not getting at night.
WU- 10:08
E- 10:17
E- 11:04 (top up feed)
S- 11:45-12:26 (A time 1 hr 37 min); rocked him a bit
E- 1:05 pm
E 1:42 (top up for 2 minutes)
A (very short just wind down for nap)
S: 1:48- 3:54 pm (A time 1 hr 22 minutes); cranky, fell asleep while I sang to him; split nap between bed and on me
E: 4:17 pm
E: 5:17 pm (top up feed)
S: 5:26- 6:06 pm(A time 1 hr 33 minutes)
E: 6:08
E: 7:30 (top up feed)
S: 7:36-8:08 (A time 1 hr 30 minutes)
E: 8:08
A: including bath time and bedtime routine
E: 9:20 (top up feed)
S: 9:42- 10:08 (A time 1 hr 35 minutes)
E: 10:10
S: 11:34 pm (wouldn't go to sleep; DH came home late from work and stimulated LO where he couldn't settle right away)

Jennifer xx

Offline becj86

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2015, 22:46:28 pm »
At this point I'd just do it cold turkey. Wake at 7am or whatever time you choose and do BT 12-12.5hr later. Yes, the first day will be a bit out of kilter potentially but if you move it back 15min every 3-4 days, it'll take you 6 weeks to get back those 3hr and there are so many other changes in that time that you'll probably end up chasing your tail. By the looks of it, 1:45 might suit well since he's taking UT naps off 1:37 or thereabouts.

7 - WU, eat
8:45 - nap
10:15 - wake
12 - nap
1:30 - wake
3:15 - nap
4:45 - wake
6:30 BT 


6:30 - 30min CN
7 - wake
8 - BT

These could alternate depending on how the day has been and what's happening in the rest of the family.

You may find he needs a touch more A time if he sleeps as long a stretch as 10hr again but the 1:45 should be fine.

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2015, 01:28:01 am »

Thank you so much for responding. Everything you said makes total sense. I can definitely so cold turkey...what should I expect? A crazy OT baby? If he tries to nap after feeding I should wake him up right to make sure he doesn't get off track?

Thankfully today he woke up at 8 (slept straight through without nw); probably bc he was so tired yesterday (big family party all day and barely napped). He crashed at around 9:30, woke up to eat then officially crashed at 11. So I'm hoping this will be easier getting him up around 7 tomorrow.

I attached today's EASY. I think you are right I need to extend his A time to 1 hr 45 min which I assume I just do it and not gradually. How long will it take to hopefully see some improvement?

WU: 8:04
E: 8:08
E: 8:45 (top up feed)
S: 9:31- 10:16 am(A time 1hr 27); woke up screaming from hunger
E: 10:16 (immediately passed out)
S: 10:31- 11:34 am
E: 12:02 pm
E: 12:48 top up feed (8 minutes)
A(very short basically putting him in zippy and burping him)
S: 1:04-1:42 (A time 1.5)
E: 1:44 pm
S: 2pm-2:45 (ate then went back to sleep)
E: 3:25
E: 4:04
S: 4:16- 4:56 (A time 1.5)
E: 5 pm
E: 6:27
S: 6:35-7:03 (A time 1 hr 39 minutes)
E: 7:24 pm
A (bath and bedtime routine)
E: 8:11 (Top up feed)
S: 8:25-8:52
S: trying to get him to sleep now but it's looking like 9:45-10 pm will be when he finally goes to sleep. He is crying on and off; I'm assuming he's OT.

Thank you again for the help!

Jennifer xx

Offline becj86

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2015, 08:00:35 am »
It will depend a lot on temperament and how well he's slept over night. Really, consistency is key and with 1:45 A time, you should hopefully see better naps within a couple of days. He may be totally fine, he may be a bit more fussy than usual. Really, an OT baby at this age isn't that bad - a decent nap in the morning should help him get through the rest of the day and what I'd suggest is that any waking after 7pm is treated as night time - no going out of the bedroom, no lights, very soft talking and only as necessary.

Good luck!

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2015, 13:04:13 pm »
Hi! Thank you again for your response!

So today he woke up at 7 am all by himself so looks like this will make it so much easier to get back on track with him  ;D

For his morning nap I waited too long for him to wind down since he was spending time with the DH (his day off). He had a bit of a hard time settling so in the end A time was 1hr 55. Hoping that doesn't ruin the rest of the day.  ::)

Hopefully, the extended A time will be enough for better naps...will keep you posted!
Jennifer xx

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2015, 13:29:56 pm »
Question: what if he wakes up around 30minutes? Should I cut down A time for next nap? What about if he still does 45 minutes? Do I cut down A time? By how much?
Jennifer xx

Offline becj86

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2015, 19:23:05 pm »
I'd be in there at 25min to help resettle if required at 30min - just because of the increased A time. Its much easier to resettle a slightly roused baby than one who's worked up to screaming by the time you get to him.

Cut down A time, not by much, maybe to 1:20 or so.

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2015, 20:53:50 pm »
Ok sounds it normal to get shorter naps as he adjusts to A time? Today his naps have been shorter despite my efforts to resettle.
Jennifer xx

Offline becj86

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2015, 22:43:49 pm »
How long have they been?

Offline JennVanessa1083

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Re: My Easy Needs Help for 14wk old
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2015, 23:01:13 pm »
45 minutes at home and while out he napped twice 24 minutes and 34 minutes. Just got home due to traffic do attempting to put him down asap bc he's wired!

Update it wasn't until 10:30 pm he finally went down for the night. He kept catnapping and wanting to I started off first A at 1:45 and after settling for a bit, he fell asleep pretty easily. We will see how long he sleeps. Yesterday he woke up from his short naps crying but couldn't be resettled. Was this OT perhaps from changing A time?
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 13:36:12 pm by JennVanessa1083 »
Jennifer xx