Thank you both!
I'll try to answer all the questions in order

A typical day: there is no typical day really because morning wake up ranges a lot depending on how the night went. She could be up at 6am if she STTN or 7am or 8am if she has a NWU which pushes the morning WU later. But for example when we had few good days they looked something like this:
WU 8:00
crib 1:40
S 2:00/2:15 for 2hrs (she used to wake up through her nap a cry for the potty and after she is done her business she would go back to sleep)Also she would need a 2hr nap when she is OT from few previous days.
WU 4:00
crib 9:00
BT 9:30 STTD
the next day WU 8:00
S 2:15(1hr45m)
WU 4:00
8:40 crib
9:30 BT STTN
the next day 7:30 WU
2:05 S(1hr20m) woke up for potty
3:30 WU
8:30 crib
9:10 BT STTN
the next day 7:55 WU
Refused the nap. I kept her in the crib from 2:00 to 3:00
6:30 crib
7:00 BT
the next day WU 6:35.
After NND everything went downhill. She had a 2hr nap and I gave her 9:00 BT which was probably too late since she WU at 6:30am but i figured we are on a set BT so I stuck with it. Now She takes a nap every other day even though she seems OT. I'm trying to give her a very very late bt of 10pm to shift her WU later and then I'm planning to bring the BT back to 9pm but because in the last couple of days she takes a nap every other day this is hard to do.
last few days:
WU 6;30am
NND refused
tried for a nap at 4:35
5;00 S
5:30 Wu i woke her
10;00 BT
2:00 NWU
2:30 S
the next day 6:30 WU
1:20 S(2hrs40m)
4:00 WU
9:30 crib
10:20 BT
the next day 7:10 WU
NND refused
6:40 crib, crying, calling me, potty, saying she just can't sleep, acting really hyper. I think that by now she is supper OT
8:00 BT STTN
The next day 6:45 WU surprisingly
NO NAP refused second day in a row
Now the hard part is to get her caught up on her sleep, but still not to give too much sleep so her nights shorten from UT. Plus to prevent from shifting her day earlier and to keep for regular BT at 9:00pm
So lately she didn't have lengthy NWU but what I noticed is that she has them for 1.5-2hrs long if she is OT and has a short nap. They happen later in the night, which i know sounds UT but i do think it's OT because when she is UT she usually will have a long nap and then an EWU with a night of 9hrs-9.5hrs long.
-Yes she self-settles for BT and nap.
- She is not teething because she has all of her teeth in for a while now.
- we tried Gro clock for a little while but because her WU ranges so much it's hard to set it for a particular time. I find when she has a lengthy NWU it pushes her morning WU much later and then mr sun comes up and wakes her up.
I'm sorry for such a long reply. I really hope it makes sense. It's been so inconsistent that it is difficult to narrow things down. Even the consistently capped nap doesn't fix things. I feel like I need to adjust her nap length every day.
thank you so much and sorry again for a long reply. Please let me know if you have any other questions.