DD is just over 6 months. She was EBF until just before 6 months when we started solids. So now she is receiving a mix, though I'm still nursing at the same times (at a 4-4.5 EASY time frame) as before solids. However, she's still waking to nurse several times a night (2-3). Is this typical for BF babies? She's been struggling with NW for a while, but her day EAS seems to be under control. She's a good napper, has 3 hour A times with (2) 1.5 hr naps (approx.). At night she does seem legitimately hungry as she eats well, and trying to resettle often leads to her waking 20-30 minutes later and I eventually end up feeding her to get another 2-3 hours out of her. But can she really be hungry? How do I get more BF in during the day? Or should I be doing something at night instead of feeding her?
Thank you. I'm one tired mama.