Any advice on how to maintain a consistent day-to-day schedule if my 3.75yo is dropping her nap?
Current schedule (later than a typical schedule because of DH's schedule but it works for us):
8:15amish: awake
2pm: down for nap (asleep between 3-4pm the past week or so, usually needs to be woken up by 5pm)
9pm: bed (asleepy w/in 30 mins)
She almost NEVER skips her nap-- it is just getting super late, almost to the point of ridiculousness! She skipped one day, we did bedtime about 9:15pm (long story) and by noon the next day she was a MESS and napped 3+ hours.
I would really, really, like to avoid alternating nap days as we both thrive on consistency. Maybe I should just "offer" a later nap (around 2:30pm?) and then get up by 4:30pm if she's not asleep? She just plays happily in her bed when she's not sleeping. Thoughts??
Also, she has been more tired and cranky lately. She's been a 10.5-11 hours a night sleeper for a LONG time and she is still getting that, so I'm not sure what the issue is. I have been wondering if her nap is starting to interfere with night sleep.