:(Hello. I need help again, maybe somebody will have idea what to do.
My DS1 is 28 months now, for last eight months he has rough nights, waking up few times during the night crying well roaring to be honest. For months we had problem with BT so we decided two months ago to drop the nap during the day. He used to nap about 1 hour around 1pm and then we had BT at 9.30pm or late and he would cry for ages, we put him to bed at 8pm. After dropping the nap he actually going to sleep 7.30 - 8pm without problems.
But after 2,5 or 3 hours he wakes up crying I tried do not go straight to him but he would cry even more, I have DS2 who is 6 months old and sleeping in next room. So I go to him and he is coming with this ridiculous ideas to read book or something else, and then he decides to go to toilet, he still uses nappies and he is not toilet train yet. After that he is going to sleep, and wakes up again after 3 hours crying, the same story, going back to sleep, wakes up after 2.5 hours, same story, going to sleep, wakes up 7 am for the day. To be honest I am really tired between this I have to go to feed my DS2 during the night, as he still feeds once or two during the night.
For months I thought he has night terror but like before he wouldn't be awake now he actually is awake and responsive.
Any thoughts?? Thank you for any advise.