Hi Ladies,
The past couple of nights my LO has been feeding really weird. Quite aggressive with the boob and wanting to feed for a lot longer than normal. Our usual routine is hubby reads a couple of books and pops in sleeping bag. I then come in and we say goodnight to her toys etc. Then its on the boob. I sing her a song and she usually feeds about 10 mins each side. I've been less clock watching lately and watching her suck swallow a bit more. She gets pretty sleeply, eyes closed. I break the latch pop her on my shoulder and give her a gentle rub before popping her in bed. I help her to roll onto her tummy, cover her up and that's it. Sometimes noise, sometimes eyes open, sometimes wriggle. Sometimes nothing at all.
Tonight for example it was about 15 minutes each side and she was pulling her hair, thumping me, wriggling and stretching. When I asked if she was finished she grabbed my boob with both hands and shook her head and grunted at me!! I let this go on for a bit longer and she was not impressed when I broke the latch. Really started to perform and I told her boobie finished its time for sleepy times. 40 mins later she is asleep. With my hand on her bum. Huge performance if I tried to remove.
We have a bit of SA going on and also a molar cut today and I can see both top incisors bulging.
Could it be my milk supply? Is this her weaning. She is 16 months and this is her only breastfeed.