Hi there,
Been meaning to start a thread for ages but kept putting it off, thinking it's 'just a cold' or something like that. But now I really just can't think any more, too sleep deprived and just want someone to tell me what to do
So anyway, DD's night sleep has been getting worse, logging it stresses me out too much so I haven't been, but right now she's going to sleep some time between 6.30-7.30 (BT never later than 7 but sometimes she takes a while), wakes for 1-2.5h at some point between 9.30pm and 1am, then has 2/3 further NWs, usually needing help resettling but sometimes not. Rarely, she'll just cry out in the late evening but there's always a few NWs later on. DS comes in at 6.30am, we have to get up then during the week anyway and he wouldn't lie in at the weekend, so DD gets up then too. Sometimes I feel she'd sleep later if she could, other times she's already been awake since 5.30am or earlier. I'm aiming for a routine something like this:
Up 6.30
Nap 9.30 for 20-25mins
Nap 1-3 (have to get up by 3 due to school run, whether at home or CM)
BT 7, want to push later but only if good nap and if the night wasn't too awful - which of course it is
If she naps any longer in the morning, she struggles to get a good pm nap at home, but the CM often lets her go longer in the morning and sometimes she still takes a decent pm nap, other times not.
She could be teething - it's about time, since she doesn't have any through yet
I can feel something, but it hasn't changed in a while and the nights are bad. She has a cold right now, which certainly doesn't help, but again, the nights were like this before the cold. I've been giving pain meds every night for ages, it seemed to help, then got worse again, then I added ibuprofen (previously just paracetamol) and again it seemed to help, then got worse again. She's also on Ranitidine for silent reflux, I think I accidentally gave her more than usual one night and she did better, so I've tried a couple of days on that dose (still well within the limits for her weight - she's very recently just gone down to twice a day from three times, but the nights were bad before that anyway). She also used to get funny stools and I suspected temporary lactose intolerance/sensitivity but they're ok now (well perhaps a bit more frequent, but she has a cold, might be teething, etc). So that's still a question mark in my mind but I haven"5 changed anything recently...
She self settles for naps and BT and sometimes in the night, when she wakes she's sometimes lost 'pink bunny' and resettles quickly once found. Sometimes I give her meds and clear her nose etc if she needs it. We'll usually put a hand on her to calm her, but if I leave it there too long she kind of shrugs it off, so she always goes back to sleep independently in the end. She eats well, isn't starving in the morning. She seems to be a good temperature. She sleeps in her cot in our room, the alternative would be to put her in with DS, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't"5 sleep through all her screaming so it wouldn't seem fair to do that to him!
Ok sorry very long and rambly, I'm in sleep deprivation fog and have just had another long NW so again couldn't get the early night I crave! Please do let me know any thoughts, it's just gone on too long now! TIA