H is 20 mos, has a BF at WU and another at BT (then book, unless she's too tired for it, then into her cot where she nods off).
With L from 11 mos (since I was returning to work) I had dropped to just 1 BF in the morning. At 18 mos I just stopped offering it one day and she never asked for it.
However, with H, she asks for a BF first thing every morning, and most evenings she's asking for it once it's milk time too. She definitely expects it!
I'm just wondering how other people's toddlers stopped BFing, esp if it was something that they had been asking for? Did you just let them decide when to stop (if so, when/how did that happen?) or did you take a more active approach?
I'm not sure I'm really ready to stop BFing, but it's something I'm finding I'm thinking about more and more and it does have some attractive points...
(it would be lovely if I could leave DH to do BT for both girls one day, for example. Might even be able to make it for a BW pizza in London
I guess if I were to tackle a feed first, say, it would prob be the BT one, but she's not that keen on cows milk in a sippy cup TBH (she's never had a bottle). However, if I were to offer her more book options with it then she might be persuaded...
I guess since I'm not 100% set on stopping yet, I don't really want to upset her or cause her any distress, when I could wait say a few more months and she might just stop by herself.
Just wondering what others did in this situation and whether there are any small changes I could perhaps make..?
Sorry for all the waffle. Would be interested to hear others' experiences though