I agree...UT is always hard if not impossible. I managed to resettle but it took awhile bc he was wide awake. For his second nap he was cranky and would not self settle but that could be bc I didn't do enough of a wind down and his first nap was broken so could have been residual from that.
Yes NW have increased to about 4 ranging from 1-4 Hrs apart. We had a couple of days where it seemed that we were getting back on track as he was doing 5-8 hr stretches. Not sure of its a growth spurt, wonder week, possible teething, or needing an increase A lol
I realize my LO seems to be on the higher end of A times so he may need a push in A. I don't mind pushing at all if it means he's more tired for bedtime.
Feedings are all messed up. He wakes up around 6 to feed then goes straight back to sleep so when he wakes up at 8-9, he's not hungry and tends to just take one breast which sets the tone for snacking in my opinion. I agree I can push to 3.5 hours between feeds. He almost did it today and got a nice feed but still wanted a top up before the second nap. I think he likes to go to bed full or maybe BF is becoming a prop. What are your thoughts on this?