He is resisting naps!!!! He used to self settle really well and now he fights it, tries to roll around happily, then cries out of frustration while I attempt to shh pat. I try to pu/pd and he cries harder. I put him down he's happy and rolling around again. Shh pat is barely working like it was. I have to rock to get to a point of real drowsiness then put down; this has been last 3 days or so. However today and yesterday he resisted afternoon naps and ended up going over his A.
Just now I finally got him to sleep after vigorous rocking. It was a nightmare. I aimed for a slightly shorter A due to the shortened am nap and ended up with going over regular A; 2:35. However, so far he's been asleep for almost an hour without a peep.
Needless to say, I was crying bc with bedtime being difficult and now naps, I'm exhausted and confused. I'm sorry for the crazy rant, I'm just at my wits end.
Is this the result of OT? He just hit 5months on Wednesday; does he need a longer A right? Should I just give up on trying to encourage independent sleep for a couple days until he is consistently getting rest?