Good morning!
The schedule looks good. Did you just jump right in? How did your DS take to it? How did you handle OT until he adjusted?
My obvious concern is accumulated OT and more NW disasters but I also know that he is ready to phase out the CN as he fought so much last night against it. So much work for him to sleep around 20 minutes! Then the A to BT was not quite right since he woke soon (40 minutes) after BT crying.
I'm letting DS sleep in a bit. We had a crazy night. NW every 2-3 hours where He was taking full feeds all night! Not to mention the EW from 5:45-7 am where he was rolling over and over and over again

He eventually put himself back to sleep. I just tried to gently wake him up (even turned him over on his back which he hates) but he is out cold lol
I'll have to adjust the routine for today since usually we start between 7-7:30 (sometimes he wakes up earlier than 7:30 WU call)
Not sure if I count him going back to sleep around 7 as a nap since he was wake for pretty much an hour?
Update: He woke up at 9! I tried 3 different times to wake him up and nothing. So I don't want a BT of 9:30-10. With the new A times how do I get an earlier BT and fit all feeds? Or should I just roll with the later BT and just wake him up tomorrow at 7:30. I don't want to restart a pattern of late am wake ups. We have come so far!