I know! Now granted I did let him sleep later than the 8 am WU because he had bad nights of teething. However, does this explain the increase in wakings? The later WU? Because if that's all there is then I will be much more rigid on it.
I do know teething causes sleep disturbances but when he wakes up, he's not crying each time. Sometimes, he just pops right up. I am also having issues with naps. I do give him natural teething gel before naps and baby tylenol before sleep; I feel like it barely works but maybe it's not supposed to work 100%. I also don't feed to sleep at each waking, I have shh patted when I don't feed.
Here are the last few days. I was trying to experiment with A's to try to alleviate OT but I think it backfired when I tried.
NW 10:13 pm, 2:41 am, 5:55 am Total/ 10.25 hrs
WU 8:26 am
E 10:40 S 10:54- 12:53 pm (A 2:28;fussy and crying; patted down; woke up OT at 30( rocked since he was crying)
E 1:12
E 2:25
A S 3:18- 4:38 pm (A 2:25; fussy; patted)
E 4:48 pm
S 7:05- 7:27 (A 2:25; rocked; fussy and crying)
E 7:28 pm
E 8:34 pm
S 8:54-9:30 pm
NW 9:30-10:11; 11:25 pm, 3;31 am, 5:30 am Total night sleep: ~10.5 hrs
Woke up at 7:24 gums were sore; nursed him went back to sleep at 7:44 am
WU 8:44 am
E 8:59
E 10:26 am
S 10:52- 12:22 pm (A 2:08; sing and patted; woke up 10 minutes later crying and banging mouth against cot (teething pain) tried to pat but escalated took him into my arms and fell asleep; woke up again at 40 picked him up again to fall asleep. Probably UT)
E 12:23 pm
S 2:49-4:16 pm (A 2:28; cried and fussed; patted ; woke up at 36 minutes crying either OT or teething. Rocked him)
E 4:26
E 6:03 pm
S 6:43- 7:03 pm (A 2:27: rocked)
E 7:38-8:03 pm
A S 8:19- (A 1:16; rocked because still trying to figure out A time)
NW 8:55-9:38 pm, 10:01, 12:07, 3:03, 6:27 am
Total: ~10.5
Woke up tired and cranky
WU 8:13 am
E 8:18 am
E 9:49 am
S 10:31- 11:20 am (A 2:18; sung and patted; woke up at 34; tried shh pat but got agitated. Aaron said he woke up happy; after getting 2 more minutes of sleep he was wide awake. UT)
E 12:30 pm
S 1:30- 2:54 pm (A 2:10; shh pat; agitated with singing)
E 3:02 pm
S 5:29:5:50 pm (2:35; fussy and crying)
E 5:52 pm
S 7:14-7:58 pm (A 1:24; sung and patted; took 10 minutes; quietly drifted) right now in the process of resettling.
S 8:14- (Woke up screaming at 16 minutes and 51 minutes and 1:02 and 1:16 minutes when landed on back; tried shh pat after picking him up and resulted in screaming; rocked him for less than a minute)
I know my A times are all over the place. I had him at 2.40 for almost a week but he was getting what seemed OT naps as he would wake up crying and that's when the NW started. So I tried lowering the A to hopefully chip away what I think is accumulated OT. Now I seem to have confused myself and lost my way on what works and what doesn't