Hi Shiv!!
Happy birthday to your little girl! I'm sure she is enjoying every bit of it

Well so far today has been ok. He hit 4 months today and I think is going through a growth spurt which would make sense considering his behavior in the last couple of days. Anyways today his morning nap was golden. No resettling and slept 1.5 hrs. Also he woke up at 8 am finally!! His afternoon nap which I am actually holding him as I type, was ok but he woke up at 43 minutes so I had to eventually resettle him as he was growing agitated in trying to resettle himself. As usual he self settles for naps.
Last night he went to bed earlier (8:30 pm) but woke up every 1.5 hrs wanting to eat. I have been working on separating nursing from sleep which has been going well. I changed up my BT routine to separate nursing. Unfortunately, he is having a hard time still with self settling to sleep. I feel like the A times are still not right. I had to hold him through all the jolts from 8:30-11. Finally at 11 he fell into a deep sleep until around 4 am then went back to sleep waking up at 8 am for the day. Here's the EASY from yesterday. I am wondering if he needs longer As already or is he just OT by the end of the day or is this a sleep regression I'm dealing with. Hmmmm so many questions lol
Whenever you can, if you can take a look and let me know what you think.
NW 5:37 am (ate) went back to sleep around 6
WU: 9:07 am
E 9:48 am
S 10:59- 12:34 pm (A 1:52); self settle
E 1:13 pm
S 2:38- 4:10 pm(A 2:04; should have brought him to room sooner. Couldn't settle had to rock him; woke up at 34 minutes rocked him again)
E 4:20 pm
E 5:30 pm
S 6-:11- 6:53 pm (A 2:01)
E 7:06 pm
A Bath and Bedtime routine
E 7:57 pm
S 8:28 pm (A 1:33)
Today's (so far):
NW 9:54 pm, 11:42 pm, 3:54 am
WU: 8:08 am
E 8:24 am
E 9:39 am
S 10:08-11:37 (A 2hrs); self settle
E 11:56 am
E 1:10 pm
S 1:38- (A 2:01); self settle; woke up at 43 minutes crying trying to resettle himself; after waiting for 5-10 minutes; I resettled him
Thank you again!!