Author Topic: Extending naps, settling at night and early waking  (Read 2298 times)

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Re: Extending naps, settling at night and early waking
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2015, 21:58:42 pm »
Many LOs have short naps or difficulty with day sleep from roughly 4-6 months.  My DS was born 13 days over and acted like he was 2wks older than his age (if that makes sense) I saw short naps from 3.5-5.5 months as a result. I was quite amazed by this at the time, also exhausted, he'd been napping well until then but we had to do 4 or 5, 40 min naps per day!  Often the day sleep gets better around 6 months though so although this may feel like a life time, it will pass.

I think I'd go for the CN in the morning and extend nap 2, every day so that there is a habit set, if you are planning to continue with swimming class long term. Although in the EASY routine we tend to see the CN last thing of the day until it is dropped really it can happen anywhere if it works out better for everyone.  Due to our routine needs we did long nap then CN then long nap and eventually dropped the middle nap which was the CN.

If you don't choose to move the CN but continue as you are I think you will have to accept that you are disturbing his habit setting ability and so will need to continue to help him resettle that first nap every non-swimming day.  If this is the case then yes I'd agree with not extending the other naps if it causes a problem fitting them in before BT but then you have the problem of needing a long nap 2 on swim day or he only gets 3 short naps...
It really is your choice but if it was me I'd change the whole routine so that every day is the same, babies learn sleep habits so I'd consider this the best option.  I'd then also plan most of your out and about activities at roughly the same time as the swimming so that each day is relatively similar.

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Re: Extending naps, settling at night and early waking
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2015, 09:50:10 am »
Great that makes total sense. Interestingly my LO was 10 days late and behaves a bit older than he is so its worth me remembering that when thinking about A times etc. The swimming will continue until February however as his A time will likely increase soon I am thinking about hanging on until he is lasting 3 hours and then the swimming times will just about fit with this. I could also get him up half an hour later to accommodate this and then just shift the day? I totally agree that consistency is key though so whatever I decide to do I need to ensure this happens every day and as you say plan activities around this. I hope as he is 5 months plus one week (or over 5.5 months when you correct for him being ten days late) that I can begin to extend A time soon and gradually move towards two naps which will hopefully make planning and consistency a bit easier. I also live in hope that his daytime sleep begins to lengthen naturally although j realise I have nothing to complain about as his nighttime sleep is currently very good! Just one final thing. Is there a recommended cut off time for the last nap/CN as we are transitioning to two naps? I currently try to ensure he is up from a CN by 5/5.15 for a bedtime of 7.30/7.45 to fit with the rest of the A times during the day. Thanks.

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Re: Extending naps, settling at night and early waking
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2015, 19:38:42 pm »
Is there a recommended cut off time for the last nap/CN as we are transitioning to two naps? I currently try to ensure he is up from a CN by 5/5.15 for a bedtime of 7.30/7.45 to fit with the rest of the A times during the day. Thanks.
I really think you have to find what suits your LO. Mine always did well on a very short last A time (but a very very long first A time) whilst other people find their LO needs x amount of A time before they will go to bed.  I'd say continue as you are as long as it's working. If you begin to get BT resistance you might look again at how long that A time is before BT, or at reducing the CN length. A shorter CN might mean he can still do the same A time to BT because he's had less sleep.
Really it's about looking to see what's working, what isn't and trying to listen to LO as they will guide you.
Sorry it's not a clear cut answer, they do insist on being individual these little ones :)

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Re: Extending naps, settling at night and early waking
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2015, 22:17:12 pm »
Thanks, that makes total sense and is really helpful.