I'm nervous about going back to work and continuing to BF. I had begun a bit of pumping even though I found it hard to find the time with two older ones at home and BFing on demand. I had about 9 bags of anywhere from 3 to 6 oz each in the freezer. Then we went on vacation and my mom watched our cat and accidentally left the freezer door ajar. All the milk has been trashed as it defrosted. So now I have two bags in the freezer and I really need to pump and store more soon.
Anyway, that being said, my mom will be watching the baby. I go back to work October 12th which only gives me about two weeks. I can pump at work to keep supplying her with milk, but I don't know how that will go logistically because I don't know what my teaching schedule will be yet. DD2 will be 3.5 months old.
I'm nervous because DD1 started preferring the bottle between 3 and 4 months and began to refuse to BF when I was home. I ended up quitting and I regret that. DS had reflux and MSPI so ended up on prescription formula but prior to that he did go back and forth between breast and bottle really well up until he was about 6 months. I didn't pump though, and he got supplemental formula during the day and BF morning, evening and overnight.
I'd really like to stick to only BF this time around and I feel like I don't have much experience making it happen while juggling work and pumping. I'd really love to make it to at least a year and with my track record that feels like a lofty goal.
How can I make it work?