Hun - I am not quite sure where the problem lies:). Is it about this waking at 2:30? Yes it could be waking because of something other than hunger, but still even if you try to shush-pat this waking, it's possible that at this age another feed between dream feed and the wakeup is needed. So fading that fading that feed could mean another waking between 3/4am and 7am.
However you may try to help him get to sleep any other way and be consequent for 2-3 nights and see if he wakes any other time at night - as I understand he is not waking now between 2:30 and 7am? If he wakes later once again, it would mean he is hungry.
Re routine - it's not a proper "EASY" for that age but as it works for you, its fine. It will be difficult however to get rid of one nap in this routine, as both 1st and 3rd are a longer one, and the midday nap is short, so it would be worth working towards direction when the shortest nap is in the afternoon let say so you can get rid of it when the baby is ready.
Do you feed him at 5pm? Or does he has feeds at 2pm and than 7 and dreamfeed?