(((hugs))) It sounds like you have a spirited LO. Around 2 weeks-6 weeks, babies start waking up more and it can become trickier to get them sleep (which is exhausting for mom).
I would try for 30-60 minutes for a nap and then take a break. Sometimes with spirited or touchy LOs naps just don't happen even though we want them too. My spirited DD missed many naps in her first few weeks.
How are you currently trying to get him to sleep? At 2 weeks, I wouldn't be game to try sh/pat especially with what sounds like a spirited LO but everyone is different. I knew that I didn't have the stamina for it. I think it's ok to help them to sleep when they're small and then work on independent sleep later. I think I mentioned it in your other post, but I would try Dr. Karp's 5s's (
http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/video/soothing-techniques-for-baby). If you have a swing or something similar, I would also try naps in there. Both of my LOs had many swing naps in the beginning and it never became a prop. Just 2 weeks ago, he was snuggled up in utero in almost constant motion and some LOs just need that motion to sleep when they are still tiny.
I tended towards not waking my LOs at feed time, especially when they took a long time to get to sleep. With DD, I only woke if it was 4 hours past her last feed. With DS, sometimes he went 4.5/5 hours. I know other mom's have had different experiences but I found that waking to feed didn't make a difference in the night (assuming LO is still getting a reasonable number of feeds in the day). Sometimes these LOs just need to catch up a bit on sleep.
I received great advice about handling stress about sleep and newborn sleep (especially when there's an older LO in the picture) on this thread:
Tips for handling sleep anxiety. I turned myself into a basket case fretting about naps with DD and the advice posted there really helped me find a better way with DS.
If you'd like, you can post what one of your days looks like and I can see if there's anything that can be done with his routine (as much as there can be a routine with a newborn