I just feel bad because he's pushing back so hard, but the hardest lesson as a parent, for me at least, is that just because he doesn't like it or is scared of it doesn't mean it isn't good for him.
He went to sleep in his room last night after an hour of fighting. I told him to get in his bed last night and he tried to get in mine. He woke up at 1 am freaked out because for the first time he was alone, but came right to my bed and thats where he spent the rest of the night, which I can handle part time cosleeping for now.
Tonight he went to sleep after a half hour of fighting, so that's good, he also got a new night light that shows pictures of Mickey mouse on the ceiling and he kept saying "look!! The sky!!" He doesn't really know who Mickey is but it helped him tonight, I think. We also got a baby monitor and showed him you can talk to it from the other room but I don't think he understood much of that..we've stayed on this step and I think I can actually handle it for now..I might move on to the next step Monday or Tuesday because those are my days off and I can handle less sleep those days..
My silly boy woke up at 1 am and freaked out, but while he was crying he decided to play with his favorite truck haha..He was quite the sight crying his eyes out and screaming like he was being murdered (he's a drama king lol) but also rolling his truck around on the floor lol he even tried to bring it to bed. He's too funny I don't know how I ever smiled without him