Author Topic: Please Help! 28-month Sleeping Problem  (Read 2197 times)

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Offline c0c0mon

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Please Help! 28-month Sleeping Problem
« on: September 29, 2015, 15:40:06 pm »

My son was a perfect sleeper and would sleep through the night since he was 7 months old. We went through a brief controlled crying sleep training when he was 13/14 months after we went away for a 3-week trip. He wouldn't sleep at night and at first I thought it was jet lag, but it went on for about 2 weeks. Took him to the doctor to make sure that everything was fine. And he was. The sleep training didn't take very long, he was crying (not hysterical) for about 30 mins before he would fall asleep and from time to time he would wake up in the middle of the night. But after that 3 days of sleep training, he went back to a perfect sleeper. I would go through his nighttime routine and kissed him goodnight and walked out. He fell asleep independently and slept pretty soundly (I checked on him frequently throughout the night on his monitor because I missed him...). He fell asleep around 8pm and woke up around 7am everyday.

All that changed when he was 25 month old. He got a sister when he was 18 month and we tried every way possible to keep his routine the same and gave as much attention as we could to him. He seemed ok for a while. We transitioned him to a twin bed when he was 22 months. He loved it and everything remained. Suddenly, when he was about 25 month old, he realized that he could climbed out the bed. One night, I put him down on his bed and walked out and 3 minutes later, he came out. I put him back to his bed and he came out again. The process took about 20 minutes before I used the super nanny method. I avoided eye contact and had no interaction and just put him back in bed the moment he came out. I waited outside his room. I got tired, so mu husband took over and it went on for about 2 hours. And he was crying hysterically. Finally, that night my husband just sat in his room until he fell asleep and he left. The next night, same thing happened. Tried super nanny method again... and it took another 1.5hr. My son was crying hysterically during the process. I read that this method could take days before it started working. But it was just too exhausting for everyone. In order to keep my son quiet so he wouldn't wake the baby up, my husband sat in his room again until he fell asleep and he left. But that second night, my son, woke up in the middle of the night and came out of his room crying hysterically. My husband brought him back to bed and sat in his room till he fell asleep then he left. Unfortunately, my son kept waking up every hour and crying is no one was in his room.

Fast forward to today. It has been going on for almost 3 months and it's driving us crazy!!! My husband slept in his room for the past 2-3 months in order to minimize waking up everyone. Even that doesn't work. My son still wakes up several times in the middle of the night and sometimes he cries, sometimes he's just awake.

His bedtime was around 730pm and he would wake up at 5am. About 3 weeks ago, I read somewhere on the forum about pushing his naptime and bedtime later. And that works! He goes to bed around 8-815pm and wakes up around 645-7am.

I don't know what else to do in order to fix his sleeping issue. We installed a toddler door lock but we are not brave enough to use it. Should we? Is it cruel to just lock him in his room and let him figure things out? Obviously we will watch him closely through the monitor. I can't just install a baby gate because he screams so loud and it will wake his sister up. Has anyone gone through this and successfully fix the problem?

His current schedule:
7am - WU
2pm - Nap
330pm - WU
8pm - BT

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for your help!!!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Please Help! 28-month Sleeping Problem
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 20:18:53 pm »
Hi there, sounds very draining for you all.

BW does not support controlled crying so we can try and help you work out a more gentle approach to getting back on track, have you read this thread this link Toddler Specific Sleep Training Advice it has lots of helpful things in for choosing gentle methods.

Also do you think the nap could do with capping, it could be day sleep robbing from night so he's waking more?

Personally I couldn't put a lock on my DS door id feel awful, but a gate at the door would give him a barrier, I know you say he'd scream but if you remained outside just saying it's time for sleep and get back back in bed would he still scream?x

Offline c0c0mon

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Re: Please Help! 28-month Sleeping Problem
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 20:46:45 pm »
Haribo2012 -

Thank you for your response!

I read the toddler sleep training advice and unfortunately nothing was working on my LO. He just would not want to sleep in his room without anyone there. It would shatter my heart into a million pieces if I were to lock his door. When my husband kept putting him back in bed for 2 hours straight and he was crying hysterically, I felt nauseous. Everyone I know (family and friends) said that I 'coddled' my LO too much. I should lock his door and let him figure it out.

I tried wi/so as well as the gradual process and it just wasn't working. He left his room and was 2 steps behind me the moment I left. His sister room is right next to his and if I just use a baby gate, his screaming and crying will wake her up for sure.

I usually cap his nap to 1.5hr. Is that still too long? I thought sleep begets sleep; does that not work on toddler his age?

I don't know if this is just a phase or is this how it's going to be in the future? It's been going on for almost 3 months. He hasn't gotten a decent sleep in the past 3 months (neither have we  :'().

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Please Help! 28-month Sleeping Problem
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2015, 06:34:30 am »
Sleep does beget sleep but at some point it does rob from night too and makes them UT, you could perhaps play with nap time a bit see if it helps.
We had lots of BT messing at this age and NW which I put down to being developmental and they did pass.
For us we used tell DS that we would have 2 stories in bed then a nice cuddle then mummy would be leaving to get jobs done and ready for bed, I used to have to sit in DS doorway and say mummy will stay here until your asleep the go do jobs. Then that progressed to sitting on the landing saying same thing and then sitting on the stairs.
If he got out I'd put him back in bed and say mummy will only stay if you go to sleep now if you keep getting out mummy can't sit here.

The process got quicker and quicker but it was a faff for a few weeks. Sometimes now at 3.5 yrs we get shouts to come back for whatever excuse and that's normally if he's OT/UT.

I couldn't leave my DS crying and he always responded better to me being just outside his room to to wi/wo.
They are only little once so to a degree I think you can coddle him a bit but remain firm and consistent x


Offline c0c0mon

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Re: Please Help! 28-month Sleeping Problem
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2015, 15:27:54 pm »
Haribo2012 -

Thank you again! I will give your method a shot and I'm desperately hoping that it will work. I don't care how long it'll take as long as there's an improvement because I think my husband is getting tired of LO behavior. I'm with you - I can't lock him in his room while he's crying bloody murder. I capped his nap to 1 hr yesterday and it seemed to work better. Fingers crossed!!!

Offline Haribo2012

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Re: Please Help! 28-month Sleeping Problem
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2015, 17:25:03 pm »
You probably need to give it 3-5 days for things to look like they're changing and sometimes around day 3 they regress a bit!

Keep firm, calm and consistent honey x