Author Topic: Need help with almost 5 month old  (Read 2341 times)

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Offline dkelly718

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Re: Need help with almost 5 month old
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2015, 02:49:28 am »
Thanks for the advice honestly he is sleeping about 15 hours a day 12 hours at night and I can usually make him nap for about 3 hours during the day if I put him in the swing or nurse him back to sleep. I have tried wake to sleep so many times for naps and for bed time and it just doesnt work he still wakes up. The night wakings have gone down from 5-6 to 3 which is better but he still wakes up around 11:30/12 and lately he is up for almost an hour then he will the. Wake up around 2/3 then I feed him and again around 5/6 which I feed again  and then up around 8/8;30 I just don't know how to stop the first wake up and now naps are getting worse he is only napping for about 30/35 minutes and unless I nurse him he won't go back toSleep I am so exhausted and frustrated

Offline lily_layne

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Re: Need help with almost 5 month old
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2015, 03:33:33 am »
Can you post what your days have looked like lately? Do you think he's hungry and maybe ready for some solids?
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014

Offline dkelly718

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Re: Need help with almost 5 month old
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2015, 09:03:46 am »
8/8:15 wakeup and eat (he isn't usually that hungry)
9:30 eat ( I try feeding him again)
10:15/10:30 nap (anywhere between 30-40 minutes)
12:30 eat
1:20/1:30 nap( usually 30-40 minute but I can usually get him back to sleep either in he swing or by nursing him)
3:15/3:30 wakeup
4:00 eat
5:30/5:45 catnap 20-30 minute
6:30 solids
8/8:15 eat/bed
I have been giving him solids once a day for abou a month because I thought he was really hungry sometimes he gets it twice a day but it doesn't make a difference he still wakes up. I don't mind the two motn feedings because it takes 15 minutes and we are both back to sleep it's really that first wakeup that is killing me. He falls asleep independently for all naps and bedtime so I just don't get why he can't put himself back to sleep I also make sure he burps and give him gas drops before I put him to bed because I thought maybe it was gas waking him up but that didn't work either. I feel like I have tried everything but this has been going on for a month and a half and I am just so tired.

Offline lily_layne

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Re: Need help with almost 5 month old
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2015, 23:02:27 pm »
It looks like he may be ready for more A time. I would push the morning A to 2h30 (keep the last 15 minutes or so low key) and if you get a good nap, push the next A time a bit too. If you get a nap that ends at 4 or later, I would do BT 3 hours from wake up and skip the CN.  How does that sound?

I am thinking you'd be aiming for something like:
WU: 8
S: 10:30-12
S: 2:30-4
BT: 7/7:30 (eventually 8 when he gets used to the longer A time) He may often still need a short CN.
DD - August 2012
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Offline dkelly718

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Re: Need help with almost 5 month old
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2015, 19:24:41 pm »
Thanks for all your help. I extended his awake time and he has been napping better the past couple days. He has been taking one good nap a day on his own sometimes its the moring nap sometimes its the afternoon if the morning was short. This is big progress for him since every nap was short. I am happy with this progress because at least I know his sleep will get better. Night time has gotten slightly betteralso, he is still waking up but not as frequently last night he woke up at 11:30 I was able to settle him and then he slept until 4 woke up at 7 I brought him in bed with me and he fell back asleep until I woke him at 8 am. I still don't know how to stop him from waking up at 10:30/11:30 but hopefully it will get better on its own

Offline lily_layne

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Re: Need help with almost 5 month old
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2015, 01:30:41 am »
 :) Glad you're seeing progress. One short nap and one long one can be pretty normal. The 1030/11 NW went away on it's own with my DS, so here's hoping it's the same for you.
DD - August 2012
DS - November 2014