FTM - would love some advice re breastfeeding + solids routines. I'm currently breastfeeding my 9mo 4 times a day (7ish, 11ish; 4ish & 7ish/bedtime) and he's also eating 3 x solid meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner - eats well). He has never taken to a bottle well so that's not an option.
The challenge: we are really struggling with the 7pm/bedtime feed as my son becomes really fussy as my let-down is very slow and my supply feels low by this time of the day. Then I become stressed, he cries, etc, etc. Not a fun time of the day! Yesterday I tried dropping the 4pm feed to see if it would improve things, and it did, as my breasts were obviously a lot fuller. If I decided to continue with this approach, I'm guessing my supply would level out, but I imagine it would still be easier to BF better at this time (because I have more time in between the feeds??) than trying to do it how I normally do. My other concern is that 3 x BFs per day doesn't seem like much for a 9mo. Or is this ok?
Would love some ideas/thoughts/suggestions. Thanks so much.