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Advice on BFing routine / challenges
« on: October 03, 2015, 00:58:05 am »
FTM - would love some advice re breastfeeding + solids routines.  I'm currently breastfeeding my 9mo 4 times a day (7ish, 11ish; 4ish & 7ish/bedtime) and he's also eating 3 x solid meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner - eats well). He has never taken to a bottle well so that's not an option.

The challenge: we are really struggling with the 7pm/bedtime feed as my son becomes really fussy as my let-down is very slow and my supply feels low by this time of the day. Then I become stressed, he cries, etc, etc. Not a fun time of the day! Yesterday I tried dropping the 4pm feed to see if it would improve things, and it did, as my breasts were obviously a lot fuller. If I decided to continue with this approach, I'm guessing my supply would level out, but I imagine it would still be easier to BF better at this time (because I have more time in between the feeds??) than trying to do it how I normally do. My other concern is that 3 x BFs per day doesn't seem like much for a 9mo. Or is this ok?

Would love some ideas/thoughts/suggestions. Thanks so much.

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Re: Advice on BFing routine / challenges
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2015, 14:00:13 pm »
What about instead of getting rid of the 4 pm feed moving it earlier? Tbh I cannot remember how many feeds we had at this stage and mine were mix fed anyways but if you wanted to keep it I might balance it out as there is 5 hrs between feeds 2 and 3 but then only 3 hrs to the bedtime feed - though I imagine that has more to do with nap timings than anything! The day you dropped the feed did you get any nw? I suppose that would tell you whether the 3 feeds were resulting in the same intake as the 4.

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Re: Advice on BFing routine / challenges
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2015, 15:42:43 pm »
I'd probably offer the breast before the second nap instead of after it and see if that helps.

A few babies do move to 3 feeds early around 9-11mo but 3 feeds at 9mo is certainly on the lower side IMO. As you say your body will reduce your supply after a few days of not feeding at 4pm and you'll be back to producing what he demands rather than having it stored for later because you have missed a feed. With only 3 feeds he is unlikely to get as much as he usually takes from 4 feeds so the shortfall would need to be made up with solids. Milk should still be his main source of nutrition until 12mo. If you do drop to 3 feeds I would definitely want to make sure he  is getting lots of fat and protein from solid foods.

Is it possible he is getting OT at that BT feed? Mine often fuss(ed) when OT.
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