Hi Ladies, I am looking for advice on how I can change my last feed of the day for my nearly 17 month old. We currently have our one and only bf of the day at about 6:15pm prior to bed 6:30pm. My lo has a very sleepy association with bf so is generally very sleepy. Sometimes she protests a little when I break the latch but not often. I pop her in the cot and help her wriggle onto her tummy, straighten her sleeping bag and generally that's it.. I want to try and move the bf to earlier in the night time routine and then have a book, song, cuddle and rock and into the cot sleepy similar to her lunchtime nap.
Tonight we have an unwell lo who was falling asleep in my arms at 5, refusing dinner so off we went to the bedroom to have a quick bf and into bed. Whilst feeding the nurofen kicked in and her fever broke, when I popped her in the cot she was awake and ready to party
we stayed in her darkened room and managed to get a bit of dinner and custard into her and hubby read her 3 books. I then did cuddle, song, rock and into the cot for about 30 seconds of back stroking and she is asleep. Very happy mumma here!!!
So our routine is:
Dinner 4:45ish
Bath 5:15ish
Nudey run and wrestle into pjs
Play with blocks/puzzle (if time)
5:50 Into darkened bedroom for books
6:05 Goodnight to Dad, toys, photos etc
6:10 bf
How close to dinner is too close for the bf? I am really mindful of how sleepy she gets when feeding.