Hi, Thanks for your replies. We've had a couple of horrendous days and nights to be honest. I feel like by trying to improve things I've made them worse!
He usually goes to bed ok but he's been a complete nightmare taking 60-90mins to get to sleep. He usually has a night feed between 2 and 3am sometimes later but he's been waking earlier between 12 and 2am and then waking at 5:30 not wanting to go back to sleep, I realised this morning it was because he was hungry. I think because I moved him to 4 hourly feeds he wasn't taking enough during the day so today I moved him back to 3.5hourly feeds so he would get an extra bottle in.
Yesterday he went down ok for two naps but woke after 20mins again. Today when I tried to put him in his cot I had to PUPD and it was even worse than the first day, he seemed to be settling but whenever I went to put him down he just screamed even when he was practically falling asleep on my shoulder when I picked him up. In the end it was nearly his feed time so I had to give up. It was awful, I felt like i'd made him cry for no reason.
After he'd fed his dad took him for a walk in the carrier and he slept for 40mins which got him to bed time and thankfully he went to sleep straight away at 6pm. I'm hoping with the extra milk he's had we'll be back to our normal 1 night feed and 7am wake up. Then I can try again tomorrow!
Don't know if it makes a difference but he has only just turned 5 months and he does seem to get tired before 2 hours A time first thing, and then because he has a rubbish nap he can't make 2 hours for subsequent A times.
I really don't know what to do for the best. If I stick rigidly to the times he just gets more and more tired but I don't want to confuse him by resorting to the carrier all the time