Author Topic: How does daycare manage to get all the babies sleeping at the same time?!  (Read 1225 times)

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Offline centrestage88

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I really wonder how the daycare centres manage to handle at the babies. How do they get them sleeping soundly at the same time? What do they do when the babies cry and refuse to sleep?
My lo is already considered an angel baby but he needs to be carried alot, doesnt sleep at set times.

I really marvel.

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Our daycare (up to age 18 months when they put all babies to one nap) will follow whatever routine you give them, so the generally are not putting all the babies down at once. Not sure where you are in the world, but here the ratios of carers to babies is high and daycares have limits as to how many infants they can have at once (ours can have 6 under age 18 months I think). Plus children really are very adaptable and will catch on quickly that how the nap at daycare will be different.

Offline cath~

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Plus children really are very adaptable and will catch on quickly that how the nap at daycare will be different.

yeah, it's amazing how quickly older babies and toddlers catch on to things being different, and will nap at times when they wouldn't at home because they know that's what everyone else does

At DD2's nursery they cuddle LOs when they need it, and pat LOs or rock/roll their cot (they are on wheels) that need it for nodding off to sleep.  They try to encourage IS but won't let them cry too much as it would disturb the others (and they never do CC or CIO).
DD1 - 8 years old
DD2 - 5 years old

Offline centrestage88

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Thks ladies! Makes more sense to me now. I always underestimate how capable LOs truly are.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2015, 13:51:20 pm by centrestage88 »

Offline centrestage88

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Our daycare (up to age 18 months when they put all babies to one nap) will follow whatever routine you give them, so the generally are not putting all the babies down at once.

Since lo's spend the bulk of the day at daycare instead of home, wouldn't the daycare be structuring and changing the routine instead of the parents? Also, how does daycare deal with different babies nap transitions? Parents are working during the day so wouldn't daycare be adjusting the lo's nap times and durations instead?

I'm a sahm and so much time and effort is put into my lo's naps. I'm just wondering how daycare manages this all!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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I cannot speak for all daycares but mine gives a form to fill in your lo's routine before they start and they follow it as much as possible and when it needs tweaking they consult the parents to see if they have changed anything at home and try to stick to the same until they are on one nap or hit 18 months. We would have had big issues if they hadn't as our night sleep is dependent on the day sleep (or lack there of really!). I am paying them so I expect they will at the very least attempt to follow what we do at home.