Hello and welcome to BW forums

A few questions:
Where do you plan for LO to nap now since he cannot nap on your bed?
Do you have a cot set up?
Have you already started to put him to nap in the cot or something/where else?
Where does he sleep at night and are you also ready to change this?
I totally understand the tendinitis, I had it myself (not from PUPD which I did not use but from carrying/holding) and know a few parents IRL who have been in such pain from holding their LOs.
Can you tell us what you hope for? What is your goal? For example do you wish to remove the feed-to-sleep habit and have him self settle in his own cot for naps and night sleep or did you have another idea in mind?
I think the gentle removal plan might be suitable for you. There's some info here ('the no cry sleep' solution by Pantley fits wonderfully with the BW EASY routine and ethos) for you to have a look through and familiarise yourself with the general idea.
Gentle Removal PlanYou might even feel ready to go ahead and start once you've read it - but we are happy to support you through the process and help find ideas to adapt to your personal circumstances too. I tend to feel that with biggish changes like this it's good to get to grips with the idea and feel 'ready' before setting out so that you have an idea what to expect.
Let us know if this method sounds right for you and your baby.
Meanwhile, do also feel free to have a browse around the site too. There is lots of BW information here in the various FAQ sections so you can acquaint yourself with the general ethos here. you might also be interested in joining the Birth Clubs to chat with other mums
Birth Clubs 0-18mths