Sorry, I am sure this is answered somewhere but I just can't find it! My twins are 2.3 and we have up until recently had WU 6(ish!!), nap 1-2:30, BT 7:30. However, BT was becoming a massive battle, and nap time too, so on the days when they are at home I have been aiming for a drive or a walk around 12 and letting them just have a little 30 mins in the car. No battles, they are cheerful when they wake up and they go down easily at BT. Nursery days they have up to 2h at lunchtime and twin 2 (who has LSN) will be up until maybe 10. Which is ridiculous.
The only thing is that we are starting to get EW on home days so I think they are getting OT. Or maybe they are UT.
This is totally incoherent. Basically, I want to know how much earlier I should bring BT on days when they have had a short nap and an early WU. So today - up at 5:30, nap 12:30 - 1:15 ish in the car. Would aim for 6:30 BT and they will lie and chat if they aren't ready to sleep, but is that too late?
I will be glad when naps stop and this tweaking is at an end!!!