Hi ladies, my lo is in daycare 2 days a week and we seem to be in a pattern of 35 minute naps. I have changed to a homebased carer and my lo now has her own room and her own portacot. I have written out my schedule for the child minder and she is going down great (which is a HUGE improvement as at the previous daycare we were getting about 10 minutes and a couple of nnd) multiple attempts to resettle are not working, she is super sensitive to any noise (cracking joints) and her eyes pop open. The pram doesn't seem to work either.
Non daycare days she sleeps pretty consistently 2 hours and we recently had a holiday away and she was sleeping in a portacot and did similar length naps.
The child minder is aware that sleep and eating were the main reasons for us changing provider so really wants to help my lo improve her sleeping. The eating is also a HUGE improvement and my lo temperament in the evenings is so different, she is just so much happier.
Just after ideas or experiences on what has worked for others.