Hello moms,
It's been a long time since I posted in these threads as my LO is now 3.5 years old and we've had a good stint of sleeping until this dreaded 1-0 nap transition, but I'm hoping some experienced moms can take a look at our schedule. We've been in an UT/OT cycle for the past 6 months now trying to get ourselves through this last nap transition. I have baby #2 due in 11 weeks and would really love to finally tweak my 3.5 year old's schedule before the new baby comes.
He started refusing the nap before his 3rd birthday. I have tried many times since then to drop the nap completely with a very early BT ( 6:00pm), but we get super long NWs (1-3 hours) where he can't resettle until he finally crashes after a few hours and then wakes very early. Then he would want to take 2 and 3 hour naps during the day to catch up.
I've also tried moving nap earlier, later, and capping nap. He seems to still need a short nap, as my last attempt at dropping nap completely about 2 weeks ago still lead to a 3 hour NW.
What I've been doing that seems to work for a few days at a time, is allowing him to take a 1 hour nap around noon (WU around 6 or 6:30am) and then capping it. What is still happening is a lot of flopping at bedtime not wanting to go to bed. I try to put him to bed around 7:30 - but it's usually more like 8:30-9 before he will go to sleep and then will have an EW at 6am.
The past 3 days have looked like this:
Wake - 6am -6:30
Nap - 12-1
Bed - 7-8 ( but not going to sleep until 8:30-9:30pm)
The first 24 hour period went well - 12 hours sleep total and he was able to transfer day time sleep to night. The second day was a lot of flopping around at BT so he fell asleep later (UT?) with an EW the next morning and around 11 hrs sleep total for the day. The 3rd day I decided to cap the nap at 45 minutes hoping to get an BT of no later than 8pm, but he still flopped until 9:30 and then woke at 7am, so less than 10 hours total. This morning he is cranky and I can tell the shorter nights are taking a toll. If I were to continue this, I would begin getting the NWs that would become progressively longer. This is the point where I would normally give him a long catch up nap during the day. I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do or not as I feel it keeps us in this UT/OT loop even more so??
Would any of you have any advice on what I should do at this point?
Thank you so much for your input.