Hi lovely people,
I'm after some support as I help my 12 month old DD sleep better. She can sleep independently and settles herself at bedtime and most nap times. However my problem is during the night she relies on nursing to resettle. Up until 2 days ago I was doing a dream feed at 10, if I didn't do this she would wake around 10.30 for it. Then she wakes and nurses again around 2am and then at 5.30am she comes into bed with me and nurses/sleeps until 7. Now I know that I am the problem as I'm the one nursing her at night and bringing her to my bed.
I decided to used WIWO as I used it with another child with great success (although he was older) and my daughter does not respond well with me in the room, she takes a lot longer to settle. I started two nights ago deciding to work on getting rid of the dream feed first. WIWO did not take long and when she woke around 10.30 it only took 15 mins and she settled back until midnight when she woke at midnight I fed her. Last night she also woke at midnight, I fed her and then she woke at 2.30, I did WIWO for an hour, she was not too upset and would settled for 10 mins then wake. At 3.30 she settled until 5am where I took her into bed.
I guess I'm wondering if I'm confusing her bu giving some feeds and not others! Should I just cut all feeds? She eats well during the day but has most of her milk in the night. Also, I guess I need to stop taking her to bed at 5am? This will be hard as we have done it for a long time. Should I just do WIWO at that time until she either settles or 7am comes and it's time to get up?
Day schedule is also a bit rocky, it can be either of these
7am wake up
8am breakfast
10am nap, 30 mins, she won't sleep longer and sometimes is hard to get down
12.00 lunch then small breastfeed
1pm nap, 1.5 hours ish
4.30 tea
6.30 bed
7am wake
8.00 breakfast
11.00 lunch
12.00 nap 1.5 hours
1.30 breastfeed
4.30 dinner
6pm sleep
Any help would be very much appreciated!